Example sentences of "[adj -er] [conj] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The arithmetic in the Lords is messier than in the Commons .
2 In the female this tube is broader than in the male .
3 But the architect had agreed with her that it would make the room much lighter and in the end Matthew had assented .
4 The general standards of safety , hygiene , fire precautions etc will generally be lower than in the UK .
5 A similar system is in operation in many countries , with the key exception of the US , where book prices are much lower than in the UK .
6 Incomes in the area have therefore been lower than in the UK as a whole , and out-migration has reduced the region 's share of Scotland 's total population from about 20 per cent in the mid-eighteenth century to about 5 per cent today .
7 Prices in Greece and Portugal are also up to 40 per cent lower than in the rest of Europe .
8 The study found that accounting standards in such countries as Italy , Portugal , Spain and Greece were considerably lower than in the rest of the EC .
9 The trouble was that their general educational standard was much lower than in the past .
10 On the other hand despite the increase in funding during the last forty years , the UK spending on health as a proportion of national income is lower than that in most West European countries and considerably lower than in the USA ( see Figure 7.1 ) .
11 With positive inducements to continuous employment in one firm and severe constraints on mobility , it is hardly surprising that Japanese rates of labour turnover are now lower than in the West .
12 Fortunately , the level of civil claims overall in the UK is a lot lower than in the US which is why at present premium rates are considered relatively cheap .
13 But with oil prices now much lower than in the mid-1970s , the cost to the government is much higher than that of petrol .
14 The two decades on either side of 1500 were comparatively stable , with wages being only a little lower than in the middle of the fifteenth century , but by the second decade of the sixteenth they began to decline in face of increasing prices .
15 Only with the aid of a fully divided heart , with the blood pressure in the lung circuit being lower than in the body-and-head circuit , could Brachiosaurus have existed and functioned .
16 European component manufacturing costs are lower than in the States , and we could save the Corporation around a billion dollars a year by purchasin' components from our European plants .
17 As a result , the breccia fragments are surrounded by a mud matrix and rocks are only of marginal reservoir quality with porosities and permeabilities that are much lower than in the collapse breccias of Auk and Argyll .
18 On days 6–9 fluid transport was lower than in the control rats ( p<0.01 ) , and on days 11–14 it was significantly greater ( p<0.01 ) .
19 The temperature may be lower than in the height of summer , but that 's compensated for by the peace and quiet you find out of season .
20 From this age group , the level began to increase first slowly ( infant mortality at the maternal age group 30–34 was lower than in the age group 20–24 ) and from age 35 more rapidly , although the mortality of infants born to women in the 35–39 years old group was not much higher than in the age group 20–24 which is often considered as the prime time for reproduction .
21 Also , the more moderate negative impact of teenage childbearing upon infant mortality in several countries , first of all in the Western Hemisphere region , where infant mortality in the maternal age group under 20 is lower than in the age group over 40 , may reflect , among other things ( such as later age at marriage and at first birth , higher educational and living standards , etc. ) the lower overall level of infant mortality .
22 The mass of the people were not recorded because the evidence is limited to the loan book , which of course excludes everyone with less than £5 , a class which in Coventry amounted to as much as 80 per cent of the total , though in other provincial towns the proportion was not as high , that of sub-£2 assessments being lower than in the countryside .
23 There was a wire mesh roof over it lower than in the Cages and some fish and meat .
24 Urokinase type plasminogen activator and tissue type plasminogen activator in squamous oesophagus were significantly lower than in the stomach .
25 In some areas we have measured a contamination which is much bigger than in the Minimata incident in the Japan .
26 The sheer recklessness and shortsightedness of the Commission , and especially the Franco-German axis within it , is nowhere clearer than in the GATT fiasco .
27 Nowhere is this clearer than in the case of local economic policies .
28 The historical legacy of this suspicion of parliamentary government is nowhere clearer than in the constitution of the Vth Republic , and an examination of this will show how , with partial replacement of national by EC government , different countries have different things to lose .
29 Nowhere is this clearer than in the debate about Europe , or rather in its absence .
30 The lighting was brighter than in the alley and the fog was thinner out here , patchier .
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