Example sentences of "[Wh pn] will [verb] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is safe to assume that these were prominent factors when Biggs was considered as a possible opponent for Mason who will go to his corner at the Royal Albert Hall in London tonight with a record of 31 professional victories , 30 inside the distance .
2 I have a solicitor in England who will reply to them and give them instructions . ’
3 I have passed copies of your letter to the Projects and Water Operations divisions of this department who will reply to you regarding abstractions and sewage treatment works dispersion .
4 For , people with social difficulties may anticipate that there will be nobody at the party who will talk to them .
5 Experience of teaching both ESL and EFL is provided in further education colleges , where classes consist of adult immigrants and of students who will return to their home countries at the end of their course .
6 See now , there 's a lot of people who will speak to you friendly out on the street and there 's a lot more of them who 'll speak to you inside their own homes .
7 Jesus had had many interviews with people , we 've looked at some of them over these past few weeks , the time when he met with Nicademus , the religious leader , the time he went out of his way to meet with a woman of Semaria in her dyer need , the other occasion that we looked at er a week or so back when he called Anzakias from that tree of which he was hiding , last week his judge , pilot , but of all those interviews and as many others that we have n't looked at this surely must be one of the strangest as Jesus himself is in the process of dying and as he is dying he is confronted with another person who has a need , but Jesus your need is as greatest as any body elses , your pain , your suffering , your physical suffering was every bit of great as those around you , why be bothered with others is n't that so often our story , when we are in need we can forget all about other people , it does n't matter there need , its poor me , what about me , what about my need , what about my requirements , what about my suffering , but we see here how Jesus apart from any thing else deals with his own suffering , he deals with it by ministering to the needs of other people , and this surely then must be one of the most strange and one of the most interviews that our lord ever had when he was here on earth , with this dying thief , but he was more than a thief he was a er , he was a re a rebel , he was a terrorist or a freedom fighter depending on which way you wanted to look at it and he was dying for his crimes and he was n't alone because there there was this man we 've been talking about , there was Jesus and there was another one , another criminal on the other side and we find that this is all in keeping with what god had promised , all there in , in line with his prophecy way back in Iziah chapter fifty three , it tells us that he was numbered with the transgressors , that he died with sinful men with , with law breakers and here it is its happening right in front of the , the very eyes of the Jewish leaders and the jewish authorities our lords intention in coming into the world was to save men and women , to seek out and to save sinners , remember thirty odd years previous to this event the word had come , for Mary his mother , to Joseph , we will call his name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins and later on writing to Timothy the apostle Paul in the first chapter of the first book in verse fifteen he says it is a trust worthy statement deserving full acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners , this was his purpose , this was his reason for coming into the world , not to be a good man , not to be a , a great leader , not to give us some model that we can , you know , that we can plan our life out and try and live up to his standards , he says I 've come to give my life as a ransom , I have come to save and to seek that which was lost and here in this incident as he himself is dying and is in physical pain and torment he is carrying out this very work , of seeking out and saving of those who will turn to him , those who will put their trust in him , he is saving the lost , and we see in a wonderful how great the compassion of Jesus was and is , in reaching out and rescuing those who are lost , here we see our lord suffering the most terrible agony and yet in the midst of his own sorrow and pain and , and torment he thinks of this dying thief and extends his grace and mercy to him .
8 And here , in this incident , as he himself is dying and in his physical pain and torment , is carrying out this very work of seeking out and saving those who will turn to him , those who will put their trust in him he is saving the lost .
9 ‘ With these reports the society will instruct , on your behalf , a suitably qualified surveyor who will write to you direct with the details of the terms and conditions of engagement .
10 TWO ADVENTUROUS LEGIONNAIRES who are now in Africa , bored stiff — French ( 20 ) and American ( 23 ) — seek women ( 18-25 ) who will write to us and be ready to receive us on our return to Europe for good parties and fast times .
11 All ten characters in the ‘ soap ’ are young professionals who will appeal to your students .
12 Those who can not write have less power than those who can : their acts of naming are restricted to those who will listen to them , those in the immediate locality .
13 For many , having the facilities of a Citizens ' Advice Bureau in the village means there is someone who will listen to their problems and offer confidential and expert advice .
14 I am not going out of my mind , she thought , and if , at the moment , the outside world does not recognise me for what I am , my sister knows she has only to speak a word here and there , to take a decision , and who will listen to me ?
15 ‘ We need people to talk to , people who will listen to us and understand our real needs — and that 's not just pills and psychiatric treatment , they only deal with the depression .
16 Part of your prize will be a consultation with celebrated Chelsea medal-winning builder Alan Sargent , who will listen to your requirements and advise on the most suitable design .
17 The therapist who will listen to your problems and give you a good perm is bound to avoid the dole .
18 When a female is ready to spawn she will leave her cave ( in which she will have previously have spent a lot of time ) and approach the male , who will display to her by quivering his body slightly and beating his tail in front of her , so that she is buffeted by the current created .
19 and it will not in that sense make any difference to God love , make a lot of difference to you and to me , but it will not make any difference to God 's love whether we spend our eternity in heaven or in hell , he will not love those in heaven any more than he loves those who are already , who will be punished for ever in hell , because God 's love is eternal , it did n't start at Bethlehem , it did n't start at Calvary and it does n't end when you and I die , as love is eternal , so God has provided salvation for every body and he offers salvation to all who will come to him in repent and and seine fe and except his salvation , you see when the Lord Jesus Christ died upon Calvary 's cross he died to make salvation available for who , for every body , you see he did n't just lay your sins on Jesus , listen to what the old testament profit Isaiah says , there in that tremendous fifty third chapter , and , and in what it 's in verse six , all of us says the profit like sheep have gone astray , each of us has turn to his own way , but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him , whether you and I reject Jesus Christ or accept him does not alter the fact that our sin was laid on Jesus the sins are the most awful person you can think of were laid on Jesus Christ , Jesus Christ paid the sins for , for , for , for men like Hitler , he paid theirs , the price for their sins , as much as he paid the price for the sins of somebody like St Francis of Assisi So God is not partial , it 's clear from scripture that all maybe saved , he made salvation available to all in that same book of Isaiah in chapter forty five , verse twenty two , it says look unto me all the ends of the earth are being saved said the Lord , in Romans one sixteen Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God onto salvation to all who will believe , and the verse we 've already quoted John three sixty , for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son , that who so ever believe in him should not perish , but have ever lasting life and Paul when writing to Timothy says he gives his own personal testimony he says this is a good and a faithful saying , it 's worthy of every body accepting that God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth , so it 's quite clear that all maybe saved .
20 This is also a good opportunity to let them meet a permanent resident who might know them or who will chat to them .
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