Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have been [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 The prevalence of this diminishes with time after the event , which you might think peculiar , but there are fewer patients who have been followed up for five years .
2 Despite this the symptom of urgency is invariably improved and all 81 patients with ulcerative colitis who have been followed up for more than six months state that they can defer defaecation for more than two hours .
3 Champions who have been made up in Jamaica give some insight into the breed 's development : Chesara Dark Warrior of Copeland , owned by Clyde Fisher ; Chesara Lady Macbeth of Copeland , again owned by Clyde Fisher ; Attilla Brunhild of Natra , owned by E. Mignott ; Chesara Dark Conspirator , owned by D. Walcott ; Tasika Angus , owned by D. Judah ; Lacie of Copeland , owned by T. Dunn ; Carbeth-S Black Concha , owned by W. Evering ; Paraiso 's Black Caesar , owned by Clyde Fisher ; Paraiso 's Black Jack , owned by Mr and Mrs M. Fox ; Sundance Poirot Northwind , owned by Winston Tucker ; Sundance Genevive Hellraiser , owned by Winston Tucker ; Sundance Loyal Duchess , owned by Winston Tucker ; Maowm Monty of Kemour , owned by Owen Munroe ; Sundance Doctor Bojangles of Phillsburgh , owned by Mrs Andrea Phillips ; Sundance Baroness , owned by Winston Tucker ; Sundance Black Charisma , owned by Mrs C. K. Galma-Tucker ; Sundance Ballet Princess of Phillsburgh , owned by Peter Phillips ; and Kempshots Drumbeat , owned by Meg Phillips .
4 That is something to do with Traidcraft that they erm they quite often work with groups who have been set up by carriages from Europe .
5 If you want to study the most refined version of clothes-talk , just look at all the elegant women who have been turning up in court recently .
6 ‘ Doctor , while I can appreciate your academic enjoyment at finding an intellectual equal , I really think you might do better to devote at least some of your attention to the lesser mortals who have been caught up in — ‘
7 There are several ways in which assistance might be available to people who have been caught up in some of those unfortunate schemes .
8 In March 1939 the CRREC claimed that ‘ Not only are Jewish children with no particular religious affiliation being placed in non Jewish homes and schools , utterly abandoned as far as their religious education is concerned , but even children who have been brought up in a religious atmosphere … are being callously placed in non Jewish schools and homes , where they suffer mental torture which , in at least one case , has brought the child to the verge of a nervous breakdown . ’
9 There are often , among the competitors , girls from Eastern Bloc or otherwise under-privileged countries who have been brought up to believe that a monumental talent requires total dedication , who have been told that great minds do not fuss about small externals , who have been led to suppose that for a great genius to be a plain Jane is only appropriate .
10 ‘ Women suffer from it more than men — especially women who have been brought up to think that it is enough just to look beautiful . ’
11 erm I find I 'm not sure that any of us can erm cope with what 's going on at the moment in the Gulf without having just ways of distracting ourselves , erm and I think that perhaps might be more of a problem for adults than it is for children , in the sense that erm most of us have access to more information than most children do erm and more information about what death means , and what suffering means , and what pain means , than erm most children who have been brought up in this country .
12 The Tysons have yet to see any cash payment from the liquidators who have been winding up BCI 's affairs .
13 This has been changing , as more work is done on the Athenian Council ( Boule ) of 500 members , lists of whom have been turning up since the Americans began to excavate the agora in the 1930s .
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