Example sentences of "[Wh pn] had not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After undergoing medical tests in Australia , Lini returned to work on June 14 and , on June 27 , dismissed four ministers who had not acceded to his loyalty pledge .
2 But the general inability of the film industry to support and encourage creative adventure was the responsibility of the two major companies , which were now in the hands of former accountants who had not cast off their old ways of thinking , John Davis at Rank and Robert Clark at ABPC .
3 Service , for 18 months , was compulsory for men over 19 who had not served in the Soviet army .
4 To meet new people meant a lot to me because those of my Fontanellato friends who had not gone to school in Parma had already started work .
5 the prodigal son , but you also have the second part of that which is almost a separate story of , the son who had not gone into the far country .
6 He rested his glass on the paunch now , regarded them owlishly , and gave the impression , as always , of someone who had not gone through the usual process of growing up , but had remained a toddler , magnified to the nth degree .
7 Those who had not participated in training courses were often very traditional in their farming and had probably lost all motivation for change .
8 When the king 's agents bought the wool it fetched much less than the expected price and the scheme collapsed , leaving resentment amongst the producers , the lesser merchants who had not participated in the scheme , and those who had been paid in Dordrecht Bonds .
9 On Oct. 6 the court sentenced 11 of the men including the MTP leader , Roberto Felicetti , and two of the women to life imprisonment for murder , wounding , robbery and rebellion , with the possibility of release after 25 years for good behaviour ; the remaining seven , including the priest , Fr Juan Antonio Puigjane , an MTP leader who had not participated in the actual attack , were sentenced to terms of between 10 and 20 years ' imprisonment for complicity .
10 There was not a man present who had not stepped over bodies of rivals to claw his way to his present position .
11 We can see this clearly in the story of the men at Ephesus ( Acts 19 ) who had not heard of the gift of Pentecost even though they were living many years after that event .
12 In one recent survey of income support claimants in Bradford , Asian respondents made up nine out of ten of those who had not heard of the Social Fund ( Craig , 1991 ) .
13 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
14 Hospital emergency wards were struggling to cope with the injured as radio announcers read lists of victims and broadcast anguished appeals from those who had not heard from relatives in the area near the explosion .
15 His father had even telephoned his ex-wife to tell her about what had happened and she had then spoken to Tony , who had not heard from her for some months .
16 Women left behind by the emigrants , ‘ widows ’ who had not heard from their husbands for decades , daughters growing up without fathers , without grandfathers , without brothers -once they too were old enough to leave — were hungry for men , everyone knew that , and the law made its profits from the devils — Greed and Lust and Envy — that scampered among humans playing a deadly tag in which all the players are caught and brought down , one by one .
17 Afterwards Plymouth player-manager Peter Shilton praised two-goal hero Dwight Marshall , who had not scored since August .
18 Howard Wilkinson 's team were victims of an inspired performance by a Manchester City side who had not scored in four previous outings .
19 With time running out , it was crucial that Leeds at least regained the leadership by taking a minimum of one point from a Manchester City team who had not scored in any of their previous four outings .
20 But each time they were pegged back by United substitute Ward , who had not scored in 21 previous outings this season .
21 Bush polled 88 per cent of the vote compared with 2 per cent for Buchanan ( who had not campaigned in the state ) and 17 per cent for uncommitted delegates .
22 At this there was a muted growl of support from those in the hall who had not succumbed to a heavy lunch .
23 They were very young , and totally dependent on the Durbeyfield couple : six helpless creatures who had not asked to be born at all , much less to be part of the irresponsible Durbeyfield family .
24 The students ' performance on the problem based and lecture courses were not found to correlate with their preference for type of course , and those who had not volunteered for the new pathway did as well as those who had , even on the problem based sections of the new curriculum .
25 The greetings were warm and elaborate , like those of old friends who had not met for years .
26 Through the firm and persuasive advocacy of Marsh he was eventually permitted to incept , but the case provoked the university to decree that in future no scholar who had not ruled in arts could proceed to a degree in theology : a statute which would engender recurrent disputes between the friars and the university .
27 It was almost as though such an experience gave the initiated a glimpse of a deeper level of reality than the allegedly shallow analysis of contemporary society by those who had not faced at first hand the traumas of modern warfare .
28 Some barbarians had already received land from the king who issued the law , others had been endowed by his predecessors ; those who had not benefited in this way were to receive two-thirds of a property , one-third of the slaves and half the woodland .
29 Curators of the ‘ Matisse 1904–17 ’ exhibition think Shchukin has started the case to pressure Russian authorities who had not replied to earlier requests about the paintings .
30 A reminder letter and questionnaire were sent 6 weeks later to subjects who had not replied by this time .
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