Example sentences of "[Wh pn] are [vb pp] to the " in BNC.

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1 Two novels of the 1720s point the contrast in public attitudes to the American colonies of the two countries in an odd way : the Abbé Prévost 's Manon Lescaut and Daniel Defoe 's Moll Flanders are about prostitutes , both of whom are transported to the new world , but Manon dies from exposure in the arms of her faithful des Grieux after walking six miles from New Orleans , while Moll Flanders settles down with her fifth husband to reckon her net worth in cash and tobacco before returning from Virginia to London .
2 The Local Government and Housing Act 1989 enacts this Provision though it substitutes 208 hours for twenty-six days and exempts employees who are elected to the chair of councils ( Clause 10 ) .
3 Some organisations have company housing which may be used by employees who are transferred to the new area but have yet to complete their house purchases there .
4 But feminists who are alerted to the importance of symbolism believe Christianity accordingly to be judged .
5 [ t ] o introduce the Care Programme Approach to people who are referred to the specialist psychiatric services .
6 There must be many who are touched to the heart by that phrase ‘ earthly father ’ and yet who do n't believe a word of the novel 's religion ; just as , and more obviously , Raskolnikov 's kissing the dirt in the middle of the Haymarket does n't stand or fall by Dostoevsky 's Soil Philosophy .
7 A Sinhalese member of the Legislative Council thought that magistrates would have difficulties carrying out the spirit of the legislation : ‘ A crowd appears in the Police Court in the morning and unless plaints are presented and the names called out it will be somewhat difficult for the Magistrate to ascertain who are the people who have come to offer plaints and it will depend on some minor Court official or the peons as to who are admitted to the precincts of the Court . ’
8 South Africa has at the moment six Rottweiler specialist breed clubs , who are affiliated to the Kennel Union of South Africa : one in the Western Cape Province , one in the Eastern Cape Province , one in Durban , Natal and three in the Transvaal Province centred in and around Johannesburg .
9 Those who are addicted to the vertiginous rhetoric where language tells us nothing about reality , merely about other language , and where signifiers float in endless unattached free play , are apt to be contemptuous of demonstration and logic , seeing them as forms of bourgeois intellectual oppression .
10 These might continue to include long-term shareholders , particularly if they do not have the opportunity to sell , but should also include long-term bankers and possibly suppliers , employees and customers who are committed to the company .
11 Governors who are committed to the cause of special education will have to bid for a share of resources in competition with the advocates of other areas of the curriculum who will be pressing their case with equal vigour .
12 However , it is important to stress that Sport 2000 should not be regarded as a Council strategy , rather it belongs to all who are committed to the future of sport in Scotland .
13 ‘ I want a group of youngsters who are committed to the cause .
14 Although most patients who are brought to the attention of their doctors after an attempt are referred to hospital , a proportion are dealt with by general practitioners ( p. 10 ) .
15 There is a new openness in our inner lives , a new emotional effectiveness , a dynamic gentleness that is a blessing to others who are attracted to the serenity of spirit they see in us .
16 At their head is the permanent secretary , supported by three deputy secretaries ( with responsibility , respectively , for schools , further and higher education , and teachers ) plus a legal adviser ( heading the legal branch ) and the senior chief inspector ( head of Her Majesty 's Inspectors , or HMIs , who are attached to the DES but independent of it ) .
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