Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That brave young man who has n't contacted you these many years ?
2 So if you need to approach someone who has n't seen you , you should touch them to show you are there , especially someone who may be confused .
3 Says nobody who has n't experienced it can understand it .
4 Graham reckons Sid 's won it so I might be the only bloke who has n't won it yet .
5 ‘ Lee , nobody who has n't known you for at least a hundred years is going to appreciate oblique and esoteric … ’
6 Ask anybody who has n't got it ! ’
7 This makes them more varied to look at , and in general perhaps more picturesque , but it is not easy to make them intelligible to someone who has not seen them .
8 Watch out for a driver or cyclist who has not seen you on the crossing — Rules 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 .
9 Zach hesitated at first , but luckily someone who had n't seen him do any tap dancing egged him on .
10 She thought of other happenings since she had arrived in Czechoslovakia , and concentrated her thoughts on Lubor — who had n't found her clinging enough .
11 GUIL : But you seemed so sure it was you who had n't got it .
12 ROS : ( High ) It was me who had n't got it !
13 Maybe it was this gentle , comfortable house where a man who had not loved her had loved others , strangers to her .
14 He ridiculed the ceremonies in impeccable prose , and disparaged the British Minister and his family , who had not invited him to lunch .
15 Dinah , who had not liked him at Hampstead , did not like him now ; but the information he brought was useful .
16 Under this stage all holders of vouchers who had not placed them with investment funds were able to use them to apply for shares in the 1,500 companies selected for privatization .
17 Sir Patrick said the brochure had a dual aim : to show potential recruits that government legal work was responsible and worthwhile ; and to dispel the notion that the service was for lawyers who had not made it in other parts of the profession .
18 The men who had not heard them arrive in the courtyard looked up in surprise .
19 ‘ He does work hard , ’ said the young woman , looking up at Gabriel , who had not noticed her .
20 Khrushchev , who had not read it , was no great judge of what would live ; nor did he have any artistic education .
21 I was a player in a drama written and cast by Jean-Claude , who had not rehearsed me for it .
22 Ianthe spoke perfunctorily , for she was walking away from the library with John who had not left her as he usually did to go to his bus stop .
23 Does this woman , as she leans across her desk murmuring her little words of encouragement , exert some personal magnetism which is incomprehensible to those who have n't met her ?
24 But it 'll be inteesting for those folks who have n't seen them ’ LIVE ’
25 People who have n't seen me play , but have heard the album , say it sounds a little bit different .
26 Or for those who have n't seen it before .
27 Now , those two people or others who have n't used it much you really must get into this disc !
28 It should also be said that people of influence , who have n't put it in writing , also openly agreed with the placing of a bolt .
29 If you have to point lower because the wind has changed direction ( you have been headed ) , this is a sign to tack and gain ground over those who have n't spotted it .
30 Those who have n't got them certainly do n't want them , and those who have them already certainly do n't want them to get worse .
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