Example sentences of "that plan for " in BNC.

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1 If BR could not make a case for seven trains for one of its most profitable routes , it was clear that plans for a second tranche of HSTs for the Cross Country group of services would not satisfy the new criteria .
2 Mr Murdoch also told the meeting that plans for Media Partners International , the investment vehicle , had been ‘ put on hold ’ .
3 The figures came after a tough warning from Mr Major that plans for constitutional change backed by Labour and the Liberal Democrats threatened to sap Britain 's strength and would lead to weak , indecisive government .
4 Mr Major said that plans for devolved Scottish , Welsh and regional assemblies , combined with moves to a federal Europe and an end to the first-past-the-post voting system , were ‘ of far greater importance than the general election itself ’ .
5 It can be judged from these that plans for the subscription were fairly advanced before her death .
6 Concern was also expressed about smoke from the barbecue interfering with other sporting fixtures , and it was agreed that plans for the proposed verandah should be viewed by the parish council before going to the district .
7 While in new York , I learned that plans for a virtually new Flushing Meadow complex have been dropped
8 However , following a meeting of the NSF Council on Jan. 17 it was announced that plans for both referendums , scheduled for Jan. 28 , had been cancelled .
9 The following month , however , the President announced that plans for a multiparty system were to be implemented and that elections would be held in February 1991 .
10 The Royal Society of Nature Conservation ( RSNC ) has predicted that plans for the restructuring of local government will have a detrimental effect on Britain 's wildlife .
11 Environmentalists are demanding that plans for Europe 's largest housing development are put on ice because of fears that nearby power lines could be a health hazard .
12 DBV members were concerned that plans for industrial units on the old Darlington Forge Site were being held up .
13 ‘ However , British Coal believe that plans for major new investments have to be reviewed in the light of the changing market conditions , which I understand is happening at Point of Ayr . ’
14 will be out of the country from 3rd July – 24th August , she is very anxious that plans for even more new class launches in September should go ahead smoothly .
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