Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [was/were] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He did not return to England as the advocate of a new political ideal , but as a man who was himself under a new obligation of obedience .
2 Samuel Johnson , who was something of a hero of the new school , once remarked that a man is seldom so innocently employed as when he is making money , and that celebrated remark might serve as a slogan for much of modern British fiction .
3 ‘ These louts who , long ago , should have been smacked on the behind by their parents ’ excited Sir Marcus Lipton , who was something of a Parliamentary dove on these occasions , no less than Mr Gerald Nabarro who considered that ‘ a proper policy ought to be to ‘ whack the thugs ' ’ ’ .
4 Thus emboldened , Sotheby 's issued their 1 April catalogue to a chorus of disapproval , the most jolting being a letter from Toronto doctor Morton Shulman , who was something of an authority on Schlossmuseum Gotha , having acquired a seventeenth-century clock that had once belonged to the museum .
5 The famous example of a prominent scientist and Christian who was something like a fundamentalist is Philip Gosse .
6 Michael Aspel , who made his first TV appearance in 1957 , hosts The Trouble With The Fifties , an LWT special which revives the decade 's golden moments with vintage clips and an audience of anyone who was anybody at the time .
7 Sandy and Eddie at two in the morning , surveying the evening 's crowd and explaining who was who to a newcomer : ‘ You see that one in the white vest , that 's his affair in the denim .
8 From their lowly status they were still able to perceive who was who in the Rowdies hierarchy and which subunits were worth making a try for .
9 ‘ So who was it in the hotel ?
10 Who was it in the red suit ?
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