Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [was/were] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The small church was filled with relatives and friends , including the entire staff from the Wilderness , who were regarded as family .
2 In late January Mandela revealed that the ANC had demanded the removal and replacement of certain police officers , whose names had been submitted to de Klerk , and who were regarded by township communities as having orchestrated violence .
3 Have you heard the one about the two Scottish footballers who were condemned to death in Panama ?
4 Even parents who were suspected of abuse retained a sense of responsibility for their children which should be nurtured , not crushed ; and even the implementation of legal powers required respect , communication , the willingness to listen , and the desire to reach agreements — not least with the victims themselves .
5 ‘ We have ejected people in the past who were suspected of selling or taking drugs but you can not expect our security staff to make arrests , ’ said the spokesperson .
6 In the great fracas in our house , between the three of us and the twenty or thirty policemen , it was our family who were charged with assault .
7 But what must astonish us , I think , more than the details of violence is that the only charges brought as a result of this death were against three men who were charged with assault and punished with a 20 shillings ' fine , with the additional requirement that they should pay the doctor 's bill on the dead man .
8 On May 3 1989 committal proceedings began in respect of six officers who were charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice .
9 He did so with the help of the School of Tropical Medicine who were experimenting with treatment by triparsaidide from malarial insects .
10 The raiders , who were searching for cash and jewellery , left valuable fur coats , stereos , a photo of Gazza with the Queen , and an England shirt , according to police .
11 The royalty was first introduced in France in order to assist widows of artists who were killed in World War I. Although France and Germany are now the main countries where this royalty operates , it is on the statute books of another eight European countries within the EC at present ; only the UK , Ireland , the Netherlands and Greece do not have laws relating to a resale royalty .
12 Translated into 10 languages , it highlighted human rights abuses against Guatemala 's Indian population including members of Menchu 's own family who were killed by security forces in 1980 .
13 This change was abolished in all 10 subjects who were treated with ranitidine 300 mg for three doses ( mean change after ranitidine -0.05 mmol H + /mmol creatinine , 95% CI 0.33 , -0.34 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ) .
14 There have always been some old people who were influential and highly regarded , in contrast to the many others who were treated with ridicule , antagonism , or at best patronized as dependents .
15 The Wolverhampton Health Authority has written to the patients who were treated on ward D19 at New Cross Hospital , Wednesfield , during the last six months .
16 Over the same period of time the number of defendants committed for trial at the Crown Court who were remanded in custody also increased from around 13,000 to 21,000 ( having been as high as 24,000 in 1997 ) .
17 A group of infertile couples who were initially interviewed in 1981 ( in a study funded by the SSRS ) and who have one or more children now aged between 7 and 11 years who were conceived by donor insemination , will be interviewed again during the summer of 1989 .
18 Perhaps Gladys would join the group of Leicester ladies who were fluttering with anticipation in the back corner .
19 The Serbs are first referred to as a distinct group in the Balkans in the writings of the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII ( Porphyrogenitus , nominally emperor from 913 to 959 but effectively so from 945 ) His massive work De administrando imperio , written in the tenth century , refers to Serbs who were subjects of his predecessors and who were converted to Christianity in the ninth century .
20 At night-time we noticed that the most sophisticated anti-missile systems which Iraq possessed would be brought silently into the derelict yard behind the hotel , manned by figures who were dressed in black and wearing black balaclavas .
21 To determine the effect of cholecystectomy , the women who had had this operation were compared with the women who were discovered on ultrasonography to have gall stones ( n=48 , aged 25 to 67 , mean 45 ) , all but three of whom were asymptomatic .
22 Twenty five patients who were referred on account of characteristic biliary symptoms and were known to have gall stones on the basis of previous ultrasound examinations were accepted for treatment by the rotary lithotrite .
23 He then mobilised , with the co-operation of the other companies concerned , an army of platelayers and other company servants who were deployed within sight of one another , all along the 600 miles of railway between Windsor and Ballater ; every yard of the route was narrowly inspected , and every bridge , viaduct , tunnel , and level crossing was closely watched and guarded until the train had passed .
24 Standing by , were six Red Devils from the Parachute Regiment who were flown by helocopter to their drop point above the Thames , close to the Savoy Hotel in London .
25 For these same reasons , some farmers who were thinking of selling have changed their minds and fewer farms are for sale .
26 The MP who introduced the bill said many of the men who were shot for cowardice were in fact suffering from shell shock .
27 Nothing had been done for the women who were exploited by prostitution .
28 Henceforth , it is said , the rich and the noble are those descended from the creatures who were formed before Nu Kua tired of her task — the men of yellow earth — whereas the poor and the lowly are descendants of the cord-made men — the men of mud . ’
29 This investigation is being carried out in conduction with a separate study of a comparative cohort of individuals with Down 's Syndrome who were born in South Wales in 1973 , 1974 and 1975 .
30 ‘ We must now take care ’ , he explained in the Introduction , ‘ that the young men who were born in captivity may be taught how to worship the God of Israel after the manner of their forefathers , till it shall please God that religion shall return unto the land . ’
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