Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They questioned a lot of people , especially the women , each one of whom put on an innocent face and answered :
2 Work on restoring the Wimpy to its former self is proceeding well , thanks to its loyal band of workers , many of whom give up a considerable amount of spare time to work on the aircraft .
3 It is clear why ministers , who lose only a little and gain a great deal from the doctrine , should want to keep it going .
4 The black leader says he will accept the Number Two nomination from any Democrat , but many Jews , who make up a good third of New York 's Democratic voters , dislike Jackson intensely for his support of the Palestinian cause and past reference to New York as ‘ Hymietown ’ .
5 And at the end of the twentieth century , it is the unchurched who make up the vast , tens of millions strong majority of the population .
6 ‘ These are the people who make up the vast majority of the paperback book-buying public . ’
7 They who make up the final verdict upon every book are not the partial and noisy readers of the hour when it appears Only those books come down which deserve to last .
8 In these circumstances it necessitated ‘ the employment of commercial wage-workers who make up the actual office staff ’ .
9 It is these highly-skilled experts who make up the 85-year-old association and exclusive club over which Mr Smythe now presides .
10 That comforting ‘ usual ’ audience are the connoisseurs of all things cool who make up the heaving Dingwall 's audience on any Sunday afternoon .
11 CIOB members , who make up the single biggest group of professional visitors to Interbuild , are to be offered complimentary Select Gold membership at the show .
12 Every household of eunuchs has a network of informers — sweepers , dhobis , midwives — who report back the imminent births and marriages in their district .
13 Robert Meister in his book Hypochondria writes : ‘ Those physicians who shrug off a suffering patient because they regard his condition as psychosomatic or hypochondriacal are not acting as professional healers …
14 In France invasion was in the air at court and anyone who put forward a promising scheme was sure of an audience .
15 Sjahrir and his colleague Amir Sjarifuddin were designated formateurs ; in Dutch constitutional terms , those who put together a new government .
16 Police alerted electricity staff , who cut off the deadly high-voltage supply following the accident at the Lancaster Canal , five miles north of Preston , Lancs .
17 There are songs about fleeting eye contacts , snatched and forever treasured , about drunken kisses and casual betrayals , about girls who walk home a different way each night to avoid the air-head wolf-whistles .
18 The market is further enhanced by live performers who act out the varied timeless arts .
19 To take on the responsibility of looking after a frightened and disorientated family of five , who speak not a single word of English , would be an overwhelming chore for the most seasoned carer .
20 It is the wealth creators , he said , who open up the great possibilities for improvement in our society .
21 THE biggest sporting deal in history might be good news for the football clubs who kick off the new Premier League but will it be good for soccer and its followers ?
22 But this chorus of praise has been cancelled out by opponents who question both the fiscal and museological sense of the transaction .
23 Certificates will be awarded only to those who pass both the Written and Oral Tests within not more than 12 months of each other .
24 This was very common in the past and I 'm sure many shop stewards here who 've dealt with redundancies in the past , know about the poor members who get quite a nice lump sum redundancy , but in fact , they 've only been in pension schemes a short while , so they ca n't provide for themselves in old age , once they 've spent the redundancy money .
25 In the urban fringe it has already been shown in Chapter 3 that recreation can have an adverse impact on farming , but other work has shown that the 500 or so informal recreation sites which cover 5.7 per cent of London 's Green Belt ( Ferguson and Munton , 1979 ) are not heavily used by either car-owing suburban dwellers ( who leapfrog over the green belt into so-called proper countryside since they perceive the sites as being too near to be worthy of a special car trip ) or by carless inner city residents ( who spurn the use of public transport ) ( Harrison , 1983 ) .
26 And the TV advert in which John Lee seems to be endorsing ICI ( who pump out a disgraceful amount of CFCs into the atmosphere ) is n't so terrific either .
27 Some gangs tour America , staying in motels and stalking the Vietnamese with a torn-out copy of the ‘ Nguyen ’ page in the local telephone book or with the help of local fixers who point out the rich pickings in each city .
28 It is the Night Goblin shamans who brew up the Mad Cap mushroom brew which sends the Goblin Fanatics drink into a whirling frenzy .
29 The great , who live profusely The rich , who live plentifully The middle sort , who live well The working trades , who labour hard , but feel no want The country people , farmers , etc. who fare indifferently The poor who fare hard The miserable , that really pinch and suffer want .
30 The great , who live profusely The rich , who live plentifully The middle sort , who live well The working trades , who labour hard , but feel no want The country people , farmers , etc. who fare indifferently The poor who fare hard The miserable , that really pinch and suffer want .
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