Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Homage to Catalonia , Orwell wrote despairingly of the fundamental contentment of those who sleep deeply in the belief that the fundamentals are secure .
2 The University also has close connections with the Edinburgh Quartet , who appear regularly in the lunchtime concert series and are also involved in student workshop sessions .
3 There are those who grow up in a very rigid and often fiercely religious environment , crushed into a mould , dictated by unbending rules and regulations , where little demonstrative love is shown .
4 Their elders make it upstairs in the flats , attended by small children — brothers and sisters who grow up in the Gorbals , Glasser says , to try it with each other .
5 It was Olavide , a radical esprit fort capable of jokes in bad taste about ‘ superstition ’ , and Aranda , the Aragonese aristocrat and correspondent of the philosophes , both zealous proponents of the latest advances from abroad , who put forward in the 1760 's radical reforms that remained unfulfilled in 1931 .
6 There are times when his world can appear to consist of Jews and of those to whom a Jew might wish to escape — such as America 's well-heeled Wasps , or the semi-imaginary anti-Semites of Gloucestershire who figure affluently in The Counterlife .
7 Dealing with your children 's friends who pop round in the evening calls for consummate diplomacy and the setting of time limits .
8 They 're sentiments that come from falling between the two factions that all but dominate life in Oxford 's social centre : the yuppified , well-heeled types who hang around in the bars and bistros of the city 's bohemian quarter , and the massive student population .
9 This story is framed by the ramblings and reminiscences of three old men who hang out in the town square , acting as a comic chorus to the action and sketching in the historical background .
10 The cartoon features a gang of street children who hang out in the town market — begging , stealing , doing odd jobs and just horsing around .
11 The cartoon features a gang of street children who hang out in the town market — begging , stealing , doing odd jobs and just horsing around .
12 They are maybe five or six gunmen who jump out in the road in front of the car and start firing shots . ’
13 A large number of dogs who end up in the rescue homes would be on the vet 's euthanasia list if they 'd had different owners .
14 L'autobus includes all sorts of riders : champions , people who go well in the flat , the injured , the suffering , the defeated .
15 Who go out in the field and do field service support for our customers .
16 But the people who go out in the cold all the time .
17 ALTHOUGH there are only four more tournaments to count towards the final Order of Merit , there will be no end-of-season relaxing for the professionals on the European women 's Tour , who tee off in the Laing Charity Classic here today .
18 Students who do well in the three years of the MA(General) may choose to proceed for a further year to obtain the MA ( General Honours ) .
19 ‘ And you know the two foresters who live here in the village : they 're fine when they 're at home , but when they go to the village they 're responsible for , in Dolpo , I bet they carry on like all the others do , terrorizing people .
20 The household , the group of people who live together in a separate living space , is the main link between population and housing .
21 Hampshire are making grants of nearly £900,000 this year , including major support for the Bournemouth Orchestras , the Welsh National Opera and the Glyndebourne Touring Opera , who tour regularly in the country .
22 Herodotus ' History can be seen as a sermon on the text that Spartans and Persians , even in their great period of conflict , gradually came to value each other 's qualities:2 at first ( Hdt. i.153 ) Cyrus the Great scoffs at the Greeks who come together in a market-place to cheat each other ; by the end , the exiled Spartan king Demaratos is shown ( vii.104 ) lecturing a clearly impressed Xerxes on the subject of Spartan deference to law .
23 The tale of two young men , friends in boyhood , who serve together in the First World War may sound like something Rolf Harris would sing about , but there 's more to it than that .
24 The recession also gets those of us who work totally in the aviation industry , as there are not so many pilots flying , and sadly , not so many learning to fly .
25 ‘ The class of lads and young men who spring up in every city ’ , wrote Sir John Gorst in The Children of the Nation ( 1901 ) , ‘ have emancipated themselves from all home influence and restraints . ’
26 It would seem that the growing tendency towards stabling horses all day inside barns or sheds , where their visual stimulation is dramatically reduced , is likely to produce increasing numbers of overanxious or fearful horses , who behave inappropriately in the outside world .
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