Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [adv prt] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of course there were again too many people chasing too few jobs , but they took it so well , from the older ones amongst the women , who shared out the few cleaning jobs that were going in the City of London , to the elderly Scottish temporary Clerk-in-Charge of the boy 's department .
2 It was Helen who made up the spare room bed , in the end .
3 Most of the Poles who went to Russia in the belief that this would help to restore their country 's independent existence never returned : of the 82,000 Poles who made up the Grand Armée 's V Corps , only 2,300 survived the retreat from Moscow .
4 Taxis , limousines and chauffeur-driven Rolls Royces disgorged their occupants and luggage twenty trunks or more for some passengers — into a crowd of porters , stewards , sleek businessmen , tycoons , bright young things , would-bc debutantes , aristocrats , parvenus , celebrities , movie-stars , and all the families and friends who made up the send-off party .
5 This year 's games , however , did not have the human interest of Calgary — Eddie Edwards , the Jamaican bob-sleigh team 's reggae single , or the four waiters ( coached by their dad ) who made up the Mexican bob team .
6 The three women who made up the much-admired Daily Mirror Reader Service , introduced in 1944 but cut by Maxwell ( on New Year 's Eve 1985 , the same day as Pilger himself had been ‘ purged ’ , as he put it ) , would come en masse , providing an unmatchable advice forum for the paper 's buyers .
7 Abercrombie and fellow practitioners who prepared plans for the reconstruction of British cities after the war , and planning officers up and down the country who drew up the first batch of development plans after 1948 , worked to a common assumption : once the new urban land use pattern had been established , city form and structure would settle down into a steady state .
8 Certainly some people , particularly those who drew up the initial list of candidates , tried to gain advantage by appealing to tribal loyalties , but that led them to include candidates who were not Zuwaya , or not Magharba , in the hope of widening their mass appeal .
9 In the words of Luther 's great disciple Melanchthon , it was ‘ a Parisian sophist , a blind Scot ’ , the Catholic Robert Wauchope , who drew up the Tridentine decree on justification , and it was Melanchthon 's Scottish friends Alexander Alesius and John McAlpine who , as professors of theology , spread the Protestant gospel at Frankfurt and Copenhagen .
10 She is pictured with her mum Christine and TV personality Julian Simmons who drew out the winning entry .
11 On the other hand , it is unlikely that the duke of Normandy , who granted out the larger part of the demesne in feudal tenures , or the count of Toulouse , who was slow to consolidate his lands , was a major contributor to agricultural progress .
12 It was the Queen , not Prince Philip , who spelt out the brutal alternatives .
13 Fraser gave ‘ inspiration and encouragement ’ by his talks in chapel , but it was really the Vice-Principal , Dr Kwegyir Aggrey , who stirred up the young student and aroused his first thoughts about nationalism ; though Aggrey firmly believed in partnership between White and Black .
14 Historically , though , it was mountaineers from Britain who opened up the central part of the range in the heyday of Victorian adventure .
15 Prince Tyrion is the Elf general who turned back the great Incursion of Chaos two hundred years ago .
16 It was Nevin who eked out the second goal in the 16th minute .
17 But he had always failed to impress the grown-ups in Never Never Land : the ones who handed out the end-of-term prizes , and the folk who decided which movies were important and meaningful , as opposed to escapist fun for all the family .
18 Stunned police hunting the maniacs who rigged up the deadly device said the 13-year-old should have been killed instantly .
19 The amiable West Indian realized that the man who served up the frothy coffee was not looking at his watch in order to see what time it was but more to indicate that he knew damned well what time it was — late , too late .
20 And one lucky spectator who pulled out the winning raffle ticket for a copy of the world 's earliest stamp , The Penny Black , valued at £45 , was Tom Pickering of Tyne and Wear .
21 He sold it to an American bookseller , who broke up the historic volumes that had survived the hazards of more than six centuries .
22 We will spare the blushes of those forecasters ' who notched up the biggest errors .
23 The dungeons of the Louvre Palace were the antechambers of hell though very few of those who went down the dark stony steps ever emerged to recount their experiences .
24 Being born and brought up next to a butcher 's shop in a Somerset town in the closing years of the 18th century may not have been the healthiest start in life for a child , but those who saw out the dangerous first two or three years seemed to have stood a good chance of survival thereafter .
25 For it was she who brought up the young James after the perhaps fortunate death of his violent , drunken father in a railway accident .
26 Cheryl Gillan MP , who brought in the ten minute rule bill , says adopters need the same employment security as birth parents .
27 With d'Argenlieu returned to Saigon but no more amenable to close control from Paris than Paris seemed disposed to provide it , with the French forces understandably nervous and anxious at least to clear Hanoi of their opponents , one may feel that whether it was the French or the Vietminh who brought about the final rupture does not much matter .
28 Bodley 's view about the literary insignificance of English drama was formally challenged by Ben Jonson who published plays in the Folio edition of his Workes in 1616 and later , and in response to Jonson 's success , by Shakespeare 's first editors , Heminge and Condell , who brought out the First Folio of Shakespeare 's plays in 1623 ( eight years after Shakespeare died ) .
29 Also to be released is Wilton Mkwayi , who took over the overall command of the ANC 's military wing , Umkhonto we Sizwe , after the others were jailed but was himself arrested and jailed for life in 1965 .
30 Another critic who took up the moral cudgels against the ‘ spicy ’ jokes and suggestive songs described how ‘ this kind of garbage is part and parcel of the repertoire of nearly every music hall in the kingdom … it puts decency and clean-living at a discount , and it glorifies immorality all round ’ .
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