Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [pron] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Others we chatted with when we met them around the grounds , and some became temporary friends who asked us in for coffee or drinks , invitations which we pleasurably returned .
2 It was deliberately smashed by people who used it cynically for their own electoral purposes .
3 One afternoon we went for a walk to a nearby village where we met an old man with a stick and a long grey moustache who invited us home for tea .
4 ‘ Oh — do n't tell me , I do n't want to know , ’ Emmie cried passionately , flinging herself down on top of William who suffered her patiently for a moment and then got up , shook himself and moved away .
5 Eventually he met a boy almost distressed with diffidence who told him enough for him to conclude that Lorton was much too far away for comfort .
6 ‘ The person who signed you up for the job in the first place , remember . ’
7 A few other pilots have flown Lindsey 's Corsair — Ray and Mark Hanna of the Old Flying Machine Company , Hoof Proudfoot , Chief Pilot for The Fighter Collection , who flew it out for a display in Ireland this year .
8 When the future of our quaint , much-loved ground was in jeopardy , it was Laurie who bought it outright for us .
9 But , perhaps most importantly , there was an end in sight and soon my mother — who nursed him heroically for most of the year , and on whom by far the heaviest load had fallen and would fall — once again took over from me .
10 The Thelma & Louise star , then a sales assistant , impressed a talent spotter who snapped her up for a stage role .
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