Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This publication contained detailed descriptions of persons who failed to appear at court to answer a criminal charge .
2 A report in the Middle East International ( MEI ) of Feb. 22 said , however , that only 14,300 people had been evacuated through Jordan since the war began , although they did not include an unknown number of Jordanians and Palestinians who failed to register at camps on the border .
3 Most of the people who came to eat at Bogle 's were men , and they loved the beautiful Aileen .
4 Millworkers ' houses were erected by the owners of Kinleith Mill , along with other houses for the use of quarry workers who came to work at Torphin Quarry .
5 Various artists who 'd worked at Art Futura in the past were contacted and invited to contribute .
6 I can tell of many schools and many teachers doing an exciting job under very difficult circumstances : a school set up in abandoned , corrugated iron railway sheds in Ghana with no partitions , hot at midday and unspeakably noisy during rainstorms , yet well equipped with a cheerful co-operative staff , an open plan school , Ghana style ; an overcrowded school in Lesotho where teachers had evolved their own brand of team-teaching , one teacher imparting information to a class of 120 , followed by groupwork where two teachers and a student supervised written work ; a school down the road from them where Class I and 2 teachers who finished teaching at lunchtime had organised afternoon sessions on remedial reading for older children ; another in Francistown , Botswana , in temporary classrooms , with walls made of hessian and children organised into ‘ family groups ’ playing reading and number games under the guidance of older children .
7 CLUB SURFACES LTD ( ) were early pioneers who started looking at ways of developing non-turf pitches back in 1976 .
8 One such person was an African who started working at DPR .
9 He refused to accept a travellers ' site at Loch Laggan as a fixed address for Frost , a first offender , who offered to pay at £10 per fortnight .
10 well you know Gillian the couple who lived next door who went to live at Burnley ?
11 Of the Ulster riders who did appear at Donington only Eugene McManus , who was 17th in the 250cc class and Stephen Farmer who was 19th finished .
12 It was mainly from among those with a principal carer who wanted the dementia sufferer to remain at home that those who did remain at home were to be found ( if one excludes those who died or moved away , and compares place of care for those whose principal carer said initially that he or she preferred home or institutional care the difference between the two groups is significant at the 0.001 level ) .
13 At first interview half the carers said they would prefer the sufferer to be in institutional care , and it was overwhelmingly from among these who wanted the sufferer to remain at home that those who did remain at home for the year were to be found .
14 The Home Support Project was both an action project ( to provide a service for elderly people with dementia which would help those who wished to remain at home rather than be admitted to an institution ) and a research project ( to evaluate the success of the action project ) .
15 Matthew Clarke , QC , for TV Licensing , part of the Post Office , maintained that two officers who had called at Mr Guest 's house had genuinely believed that they had seen a flickering light .
16 Then Waddell 's alibi , Donald Carmichael , who had said at Meehan 's trial that Waddell had been staying with him on the night of the murder , now admitted this was a lie .
17 The day began cold and blustery , in contrast to almost two weeks of uninterrupted warm sunshine , but not even darkening skies could dampen the spirits of a crowd of over 700 Napier staff , students , guests and friends who had gathered at Napier 's Merchiston campus to witness a truly historic moment in Scotland 's history — the birth of a university .
18 On Aug. 15 itself some 3,000 riot police clashed with 10,000 dissidents who had gathered at Yonsei University in western Seoul with the intention of marching to the Panmunjom rally .
19 Several smoke bombs were thrown by Catholic youngsters who had gathered at Shipquay Street , stones were thrown and a policeman was knocked unconscious .
20 Two days later he was seen again by police this time on the town 's Valley Bridge approaching people and trying to talk to drivers who had stopped at traffic lights .
21 At first some of the monks were loath to enter on a long and expensive case before the pope , but they had among their number a man of mature years , called Thomas of Marlborough , who had been at the schools of Paris and who had taught at Oxford .
22 The armies arrayed in the fields outside Châteauroux contained many nobles who knew each other well , who had met at tournaments or on pilgrimages , who were cousins or neighbours .
23 The report concluded that the Fayed brothers , Mohamed and Ali , had ( i ) dishonestly misrepresented their background and wealth to the DTI for the purpose of persuading the Department in 1985 not to refer the acquisition to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) ; ( ii ) used their connection with the Sultan of Brunei to enable them to acquire the funds used in the acquisition ; ( iii ) repeated their lies to their advisers , who had accepted at face value what they were told and failed to check its accuracy ; and ( iv ) misrepresented the extent of their business assets to both the DTI and to the Office of Fair Trading .
24 Mr. Pedder , who had lived at Dove 's Nest ( near Low Wood , Windermere ) ‘ is a very good humoured man and a gentlemanly man when sober , but , nearly tipsy , is peevish and queer ’ .
25 The police would not necessarily assume that the bones in the graveyard were of people who had lived at Wyvis Hall , nor that those who had brought about their deaths had lived there .
26 In 1908 , he was appointed to excavate the remains of Glastonbury Abbey , and made use of the services of a friend , Captain John Bartlett , who , with automatic writing , brought through messages from monks who had lived at Glastonbury , together with detailed plans of the Abbey , showing a large , hitherto unknown , chapel at the eastern end , named after King Edgar .
27 In the market , she was told that it was Mrs Browning 's old hero , the French Emperor Louis Napoleon , who had landed at Genoa and pledged himself to help the Italians drive out the Austrians .
28 The numbers under his command had grown since he bad re-crossed the Border , with the accession of some additional clans and the arrival of 800 men , Scots and Irish formerly in the French service , including two squadrons of horse , who had landed at Montrose on 22 November .
29 Among them was G. H. Hitchings , who had worked at Harvard on the quantitative estimation of purines and on the purification of the anti-anaemia principle in liver , and at Western Reserve on studies which led later to the discovery of folic acid .
30 This was given unfortunate confirmation a month later by the arrest , as a Soviet spy , of the British-naturalized Austrian scientist , Klaus Fuchs , who had worked at Los Alamos .
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