Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] this [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 When police in Cleveland pinned on station noticeboards photos of people they suspected might be infected with the Aids virus , the two probation officers who disclosed this practice were disciplined .
2 The archer who holds this distinction is Michael Leach , who was only twelve years old at the time .
3 It is not recorded whether those who designed this emblem were aware that ‘ beaver ’ is also slang for the female sexual organs .
4 In using this term I am not making the simplistic assumption that people who hold this position are sick .
5 People who deplore this trend are laughed at and regarded as old-fashioned .
6 Incidentally , all the children who read this passage were confused about the nature of colour-blindness and shortsightedness .
7 The men and women who wear this garment are naked above the waist .
8 The traveller who reaches this point is rewarded by an insight into why our powers of measurement in quantum mechanics are more restricted than they are in classical mechanics ; why we can not , for instance , measure both the position of an electron and its momentum .
9 Naturally , it is difficult to make direct comparisons with the situation in the United Kingdom because psychosocial problems is a broad category and children who meet this criterion are sheltered by different services , such as education , health , and social services .
10 But the heroes who convey this impression are merely embodying the Apolline response to life 's horror : the attempt to make that horror acceptable .
11 The WGEC employees who achieved this record were : .
12 The people who inhabit this world are people like us , people who pass us in the street .
13 His last message read : ‘ There are many who believe this disease is God 's vengeance .
14 In the 1840s most of those who acquired this land were British , including some civil servants .
15 ‘ The guy who owns this place is milking the system and we 're stuck here .
16 The layman who reads this document is left with little or no idea of what he is undertaking .
17 Passengers who use this stop are advised to use either the stop on Yarnton Road or the stop on High Street outside Tesco .
18 The local man who promoted this match was George Dingley , an entrepreneur and referee , who , with Wilson and Lynch , developed great enthusiasm for boxing among people on the Clyde .
19 Those who think this way were not impressed when the Scots counterpart of Plunkett , St John Ogilvie , was canonised in 1976 .
20 Anyone who enjoys this repertoire is likely to find this an attractive disc — not perhaps , as gemütlich as one would like in the Viennese numbers , but certainly possessing a certain straightforward charm of its own , even if at only 50 minutes it 's somewhat underfilled .
21 The only person who does this conversion is Ian Ashcroft , 0582 761081 .
22 You were not there , I was not there Saint Mark or the person who wrote this Gospel was not there Someone has recorded this for us looking back on it .
23 Those who have this skill are usually no brighter or cleverer than others but they do have an element in their make up which others lack — they are organised .
24 Parents who nurture this bond are the most important people in the child 's world , and they are taken as models to identify with and imitate .
25 Thus the person who faces this problem is , in the nature of the case , unusual .
26 Andy : ‘ Like there was this man I know in Ireland who swears this story is true .
27 Not surprisingly , the retailers who dominate this channel are powerful chains or multiples in their own right .
28 And the marketing shown that people who buy this product are mainly the young women in socio and ec economic groups A and B and er a lot of er women like to be like Yorkshire women
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