Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] this [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suspect that it is assumed by most people , including those who planned this course of lectures , that language is a means of communication — that this is what it is for ; and that since literature is made out of language , it too must be a kind of communication , as defined by , for instance , the Collins English Dictionary : ‘ the imparting or exchange of information , ideas , feelings ’ .
2 Pilot of the lead aircraft , Glamorous Glen III , was Chuck Yeager , flying his aircraft , who led this formation down the display line to open the days flying programme .
3 Someone here once told me a story about the most notorious of the dictators who ruled this country at the turn of the century .
4 In patients who suffer this form of aphasia no language ability is spared : speech comprehension , spontaneous speech , repetition ( and reading and writing ) are all absent or minimal .
5 However , if you do that , you 're going to encourage these hundreds of children who make this crossing between the sites crossing every day , to walk through the er the , the nature reserve .
6 Yet there were those who moved easily around the margins , and I am certain the profound effects of this liminal time extended to more than a few of us who made this transition into structural limbo .
7 Who writes this stuff for you ? ’ he complained .
8 Srivastava et al used tripotassium dicitratobismuthate equivalent to 432 mg of metallic bismuth , neutralised to pH 7 with a viscious solution of Keltrol given at night and found improvement in nine of 11 patients who used this enema for one month .
9 Einhard 's criticism that the late Merovingians travelled around in ox-carts ignored the fact that in so doing they were copying late Roman provincial governors , who used this means of transport to ensure that they were accessible to petitioners .
10 Then he adds : ‘ Everyone who has this hope in him , purifies himself , just as he is pure .
11 And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself ’ ( 1 John 3:2f ) .
12 Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure , That 's that 's Colin goes on to say , because you shall be like him does not mean that you are to care little about how much of him can be seen in your life .
13 And then of course he gives classical precedence for this Tireseus , Orpheus , those poets who had magical powers , Homer , who suggests not only frugal diet , but chastity will be the best preparation for the poet who has this task in hand .
14 This business passed into the hands of Mr Spires the butcher , then after the war to Jim Beaney , who maintained this service into the 1950's , combining it with his coach business .
15 Anyone who tried this line of argument would be taken to task by the pollsters , who have a commercial interest in resisting such reasoning .
16 Then there were the enraged gay groups who deemed this screenplay to be politically incorrect , and who disrupted filming by encouraging passing motorists to ‘ honk if you support our boys in the Gulf ’ .
17 Anyone who supposes this case to be exceptional should try to reconcile the community of which he or she is genuinely a member with the constituency in which he or she now votes , and then remember that an STV constituency would be three , four , five or more times larger .
18 Initially eight regular navy officers and one ex-merchant navy RN Reserve officer commanded COPPs : Lieutenants — Norman Teacher , ( No. 3 ) , A. Hughes ( also No. 3 ) , N. McHarg ( No. 4 ) , R. N. Stanbury ( No. 5 ) , Don Amer ( RNR of No. 6 ) , Geoff Hall ( No. 7 ) , Freddy Ponsonby ( No. 8 ) , Geoff Lynne , No. 9 , and J. Townson ( No. 10 ) ) who commanded this COPP throughout its time in the Adriatic .
19 that may be something you want to think about , can I also remind , particularly the District Councils , those who request this morning for a different version of the H B F commitments statement .
20 But the death of Donald White an all-American African-American kid who put this faith in his country 's most traditional values symbolises something even more tragic .
21 They 're going to the B B C engineers who put this screen in the top of the ceiling , which makes it almost impossible to read , are now going to move it .
22 But believe me , we will silence any and all who put this Dominion at risk . ’
23 Emily Davies was one of the few to argue that housekeeping took up little time and that women could in fact combine work and marriage , and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson belonged to an even more select band who put this advice into practice .
24 General Robert Schweitzer , who told this story to the congressional lawyers , was a trifle envious that after 58 years of daily Mass and ‘ desperate messages to the Almighty ’ he himself had never been woken up at night ‘ with lights on the wall ’ and a vision of saving Nicaragua ; he was not sure Ms Studeley had either , but he gave her the benefit of the doubt .
25 Moral philosophers who hold this sort of view are wont to agree with the attitudinist that moral judgements , or value judgements on which they are based , express emotional attitudes , but will insist that these can be correct or incorrect in quite as objective a way as that in which judgements can be true or false .
26 It models precisely the position of alienation vis-a-vis design and society felt on the one hand by designers — who in general express profound unease at even thinking about the social sphere — and who embody this alienation in the very fabric of design practice ( mass housing is the obvious example ) — and on the other by society in general which remains both deeply suspicious of designers and their possible beneficial work and , paradoxically , deeply uncertain about objects — or , more precisely , about the significance of their form .
27 This case demonstrated the desirability of incorporating the Convention into British law — a step which is urged by the many authors and broadcasters who support this aim through the organisation " Charter 88 " .
28 Active chronic duodenitis in patients not taking NSAIDs was more commonly diagnosed in our study than in that reported by some workers , who studied this abnormality in patients with non-ulcer dyspepsia .
29 Thus while generally speaking all terms listed can be presumed to be unfair , this presumption may be contested by a seller who uses this type of term in specific situations .
30 The testing boom has been resisted vigorously by civil liberties groups and trade unions , who view this aspect of the ‘ war on drugs ’ as a frontal assault on a worker 's dignity and entitlement to due process .
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