Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The programmed is likely to displace some 15,000 Auyu tribal people , most of whom depend on the forest as hunter-gatherers or rubber tappers .
2 More characteristic was the active Louis VI of France , who succeeded on the whole in being a successful king , but only by the most strenuous activity .
3 And I recommend to anybody who goes on the school , I 'm sure they do on the training course , that the first opportunity I would have to address erm the con er the staff meeting , you just say this is what I who I am this is why I 'm here I 've got a list of businesses which the school has provided with me already but I I will I may erm if I bump into you in the corridor I may just say do you know anybody else .
4 The decision over who goes on the cover is one that causes all the wailing and gnashing of teeth and stamping of feet every week .
5 For example if you go on an overland trip trekking in erm South America , you 're clearly looking for something totally different than the person who goes on the sort of typical Club Eighteen to Thirty type holiday .
6 but when we 've read those we 've got to look up what else Jesus said , remember a few months ago the passage we read from Luke thirteen and they will come from the East and the West and from the North and the South and will recline at the table in the Kingdom of God , they will come he says from all directions , we work and hold and these two scriptures intention , we 've got ta compare one with the other , then we 'll read also John in that tremendous vision in the book of revelation he would he says what he saw there , in chapter seven verse nine after these things I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could count from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the lamb , clothe in white robes and palm branches were in their hands and they cried out with a loud voice saying salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb , a handful of people , tiny minority , John says it was a great number , a multitude which no one could count from every nation , from every ethnic group , from every tribe and , and , and , and race on the face of the earth there in God 's heaven how grateful you and I should be , if we are among that number , it 's God 's grace , it 's not that we 've deserved it , it 's not that we have been privileged by some genetic er process to have been born in a so called a nominally Christian country , it is all of God 's grace , it 's not what we have done or what we are , but we have been saved by his grace and just for a few moments this morning , I 'd like us to from this question that was put to Jesus to follow on and if you like get five propositions from it , it sounds complicated but it 's not .
7 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
8 In the ninth century the monks ( who lived on the south side ) built the more southerly of the two towers which still adorn the church , and from this tower the bells summoned the faithful to attend their masses and to make their contributions to the monks ' support .
9 There was a lavatory in the garden — no grass — which we shared with an Irish family who lived on the floor above us .
10 Elsewhere he refers to a treaty imposed by the king on the peoples who lived on the river Wahal , that is the Franks .
11 The intervention followed several weeks of fighting between rival Indian factions armed with automatic weapons and grenades , which resulted in the deaths of at least two people , the displacement of many of the 9,500 who lived on the reservation , and the infliction of serious material damage .
12 Importantly , this document does not refer to Louis Hotteterre , the brother of Nicolas ( dit Colin ) , who lived on the rue Marmousets in the parish of Ste Marie Magdelaine , but to the Louis whom I first identified in an earlier article : a letter written in 1712 by the French oboist Louis Rousselet mentions that he had left a musette for repair with Louis Hotteterre , who lived ‘ proche le Pon [ sic ] Marie ’ .
13 Detective Chief Superintendent Wycliffe and his wife , Helen , were to see the spectacle for the first time ; they were spending a long weekend with the Ballards , who lived on the moor above the town .
14 They had been built many hundreds of years ago by the people who lived on the moor .
15 If there 's a supply side shock , erm , if we take bad weather in say the northern hemisphere , that 's going to affect prices , but because there are some producers who sell on the world market who come from the southern hemisphere , right , perhaps , there 's good weather in the southern hemisphere , and that 's , because there 's a larger geographical area over which erm , production is spread , it 's less likely that we , we 're going to see major fluctuations in supply right , and as a result it 's less likely that we 're going to see major fluctuations in price .
16 Brown approached Altman , who pounced on the opportunity .
17 Farmer Michael Eaves , on whose land the festival is staged , says that the event " needs calming down " in the light of the large numbers of travellers who converge on the site .
18 DUTCH striker Marco van Basten may never fully recover from injury to play soccer again according to a doctor who operated on the star 's injured right ankle .
19 Yet others fought and identified with a plethora of socialist and anarchist groups who fought on the Aragon front , in the defence of Madrid , and at the battle of Jarama in February 1937 .
20 He picked up the ball on the edge of his penalty area , pushed it to Ricky McAvoy who laid on the chance for McCallan to drill his shot past Wesley Lamont .
21 I 'll throw some towels down , and a couple of blankets , and you can toss for it who sleeps on the sofa and who gets the floor . ’
22 They fall into two groups ( with some overlap ) : those who concentrate on the decoration of big pots , and those who prefer the kylix ; pot-painters and cup-painters .
23 One of the shunters who rode on the engine then alighted , went down the train to connect up the vacuum pipes known to the railwaymen as vacuum bags .
24 Historically , this problem was best appreciated by those Idealist philosophers ( eg T H Green ) who sought on the basis of a theory of self-realisation to provide a moral foundation for liberal politics .
25 And I would like to say thank you to the people who sit on the budget review sub- committee , a committee which actually I do n't attend as often as I probably ought to , particularly to the labour spokesperson , for the way he 's guided the committee , both from within the chair and at other times , on it 's work this year , to be able to propose a budget which erm , so well fulfils the aims that many of us had when we were elected in May , which were of course , to maintain services , er , to squeeze efficiency out of the sy into the system and squeeze any waste out , and to get our officers working towards zero base budgets .
26 This constellation of interests includes entrepreneurial capitalists , internal capitalists who sit on the board , and finance capitalists .
27 Those who sit on the Treasury Bench make claims about average net income increases .
28 But if there is no such ratification , the agent will be liable to those who contract on the faith of the authority which he professes to have .
29 I thought anonymity was easy : it was easy to be a simple , nodding individual who got on the bus .
30 Keith , who lives on The Fairway , was playing with a friend when they heard the motorcycle coming towards them .
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