Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Who goes up and who goes down in the rugby union leagues has still to be sorted out too …
2 Or take the many references to God as a being who looks down upon the world from some sort of celestial vantage point .
3 As a result , it received several offers of help , including one from the mystery blonde accountant who came down to the Sanctuary twice .
4 The women who came down to the river , no doubt fearful of looks themselves , avoided the barge .
5 The aircraft was an enemy , and the two men who climbed down onto the concrete were enemies , also , two of the nameless killers who had tried to ‘ break this island race ’ .
6 GUIDING the Eagles in 1992 will be new coach Clarence Culpepper of Maryland , replacing Jim Perkins , who stepped down following the World Cup .
7 Latham , aged 57 , succeeds Joe Pickavance , who stepped down from the Knowsley Road chair a week ago for health reasons .
8 As always they will go to businesses and organisations whose support for various aspects of the arts throughout 1992 has most impressed the ABSA judges who get down to the business of sifting through hundreds of entries early next month .
9 The screws who worked down on the block were absolute monsters .
10 Those who went down to the Mall to look also noticed bare-breasted lesbians , some with rings through their nipples ; men in leather trousers and studded harnesses ; and T-shirts proclaiming ‘ Every tenth Jesus is a queer . ’
11 Last month PHILIP VANN looked at artists who had come up from the mines to become artists ; in this issue he concentrates on those artists who went down to the pit to paint
12 Confrontation with the United States was followed by the more dramatic confrontations with the French at Moruroa atoll where the goaded French beat up Greenpeace 's skipper , McTaggart , rammed a protest boat and eventually murdered a photographer who went down with the sabotaged Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour in July 1985 .
13 His only brother , the one who went down in the Arctic , died unmarried .
14 To give Perdita confidence in her first chukka , he 'd put her on a dark brown pony called Chimango ( which meant bird of prey ) , who was as steady as a rock , but who swept down on the ball like a hawk .
15 Mr Clark , 64 , who stood down at the last election , had assured him that he had not advised companies to conceal military use when preparing export licence applications .
16 Come August , when the action is beamed back from Barcelona , they might just recognise that man who works down at the local track .
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