Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is not the case and anyone who receives such a call from this man , Roy O'Day , is asked to pass the information to the Membership Secretary at Easton House so that this apparently unethical practice may be stopped .
2 Therefore , any housewife who receives such a bill should complain to the courts .
3 Thus , prima facie , the party who receives such a document should be bound by relevant standard terms and conditions , even if he never reads the document , and is unaware that they exist .
4 For the family and friends who remain such an event is devastating .
5 He constantly came across people who adored his father and he could n't think why they did when he was such a silly little man who made such a fool of himself .
6 Another kind of piano-led exuberance comes from the Santo Domingo pianist , Michel Camilo , who made such an impact with his dancing , colourful Caribbean-dominated virtuosity at Ronnie Scott 's earlier in the year .
7 According to the theory , the people who used such a system of terms did not themselves , however , practise such a type of marriage but actually practices the next stage .
8 ‘ But it is a pleasure to entertain a lady from another country who has such a love of France and of the French language . ’
9 The family historian who visits such a place would find it hard to believe that it was once the home of a mere waggoner if he had not seen old photographs that show its condition before the First World War .
10 But there are those who say such a concentration of valuable resources is wrong and that the sportscar is the dinosaur of the road .
11 Unfortunately , in this respect our participants had little first-hand knowledge of teachers who provided such a balance .
12 But the critic who undertakes such a task becomes a scientist , and he must shut out the ornaments of speech and persuasive language of the impressionist as dangerous guests in the laboratory of literary dissection .
13 Even the term ‘ charismatic ’ was used , which implies that those who hold such a model provide others with outstanding leadership .
14 The school was extremely pleased with the news , he said , because Mr Burge was precisely the sort of teacher who deserved such a vote .
15 Individuals who receive such a distribution are treated as having received a payment of capital .
16 Any person who breaches such an order will be in contempt of court and will be liable to a term of imprisonment or a fine or both .
17 Everyone went wild with laughter again , except for the three men above us , who received such a jolt that they nearly released their macabre cargo onto our heads .
18 All parties who attend such an examination , including the bankrupt , may employ solicitors or counsel to represent them .
19 The rewards for those who pursue such an undertaking are immense since Greek Literature and Civilisation are , it could be said , even richer fields than their Roman counterparts .
20 One of the features which noticeably emerged in the 1980s was a struggle for control of the past , a confrontation primarily between those who perceive contemporary western civilisation as a triumph and those who question such a perspective .
21 That is the wrong way to run the House , and any Government who set such an example do grave injury to parliamentary government .
22 The scholar who completes such a work thus has an edge on other writers , so a preface can be read with the respect due to a first-hand account of the works concerned and a considered piece of reflective criticism .
23 Fortunate are they who find such a situation and friend when in need !
24 Fortunate are they who find such a situation and friend when in need !
25 But I know that there are some people here who find such an example hard .
26 Consequently , unlike Germany , France and Italy , who lost such a wealth of their Medieval timber framed buildings , England still possesses a fair number .
27 " Why , what has happened to them ? " said Clara , who felt such a question to be not impertinent but positively requested .
28 According to popular folklore anyone who owns such a picture is in for bad luck .
29 It has been known , but parents who do such a thing are as disliked as they would be in any society , and such marriages are often barren .
30 Staff who take such a break remain on contract to Shell .
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