Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] it to the " in BNC.

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1 It is clear that this change is highly evaluated in Belfast in terms of social class hierarchy and status , as it is the more prestigious groups that tend to adopt it and the more ‘ advanced ’ ( generally female and younger ) group who introduce it to the conservative inner-city communities ( which are characterized by dense and multiplex network ties that tend to resist innovation and maintain conservative forms ) .
2 Characters who make it to the top of the hill see a brilliant flash of sunlight , experience momentarily the scent of a summer day abundant with wild flowers and the taste of sweet wine and nectar- and then find themselves standing in a corridor , with their backs to the west wall , opposite the door to the scribe 's room ( location 59 ) .
3 There it was bought by an unidentified lady who lent it to the religious Society where it has been ever since .
4 Next Wednesday , 11 women who made it to the top will speak on success and motivation for women at Women Who Win , a major conference at London 's Institute of Directors ( for details ring 071 839 1233 ) .
5 Everyone who made it to the summit was rewarded with a magnificent panoramic view .
6 John Major scholarship boy who made it to the local grammar school and was lucky to obtain patronage from the local squire .
7 The question raised by the Law Lords on the Circuit who referred it to the High Court was whether despite being deaf and dumb and uneducated , did the defendant know the difference between right and wrong , did she know that a consequence of guilt was punishment , and did she have the power of communicating her thoughts ?
8 Duncan took out his passport and handed it to the older man , who opened it to the relevant page and stamped it with a small stamper he had with him .
9 People who use land and invest their labour in it are benefiting society more than those real owners who neglect it to the extent of ignoring it for twelve years or more .
10 If somebody can manoeuvre your tape to the receptionist , who gets it to the secretary and then to the A&R person , it has to help your chances .
11 Another copy was sent to a Belgian huissier who delivered it to the Belgian respondent 20 days after the date of the judgment .
12 His literary pretensions were further highlighted when he sent a copy of his unpublished manuscript ‘ The Island of Madagascar as a National State for the Jewish people and Why ’ to Lord Rothschild , who forwarded it to the Board of Deputies in 1938 .
13 By the end of September it had reached a news agency reporter in Manchester , who offered it to the Daily Post , an ailing middle-market Fleet Street tabloid , for £15,000 .
14 Rumour had it that it was he who brought it to the attention of Chamberlain , who became President of the Board of Trade at the same time as Plimsoll left the House , that numbers of lives lost at sea , after falling as a result of the Load Line Act , were now again on the increase .
15 From Eastern Europe the herb spread to Scandinavia , and it was probably Scandinavian immigrants who introduced it to the USA .
16 There was always a modest manor at Sutton , held at the time of the Domesday survey by Henry de Ferrers , then by the Boschervilles , who gave it to the Priory of Trentham .
17 In one statute ‘ confidential information ’ means information disclosure of which is forbidden by statute or by the civil servant who gave it to the local authority .
18 Its whereabouts remained unknown until it was consigned at auction by a private collector in Spring 1990 , and bought by collectors who gave it to the Metropolitan .
19 The road was owned by Mr Dalison who gave it to the parish , in 1892 and it was made up at the cost of £40 and the improvements to the cemetery cost a further £21 140 .
20 The historic deepening process of the Community was foreseen from the outset , which is why those who commended it to the country 20 or 30 years ago took care to see that it was not misunderstood .
21 He attempted to dribble a Stephen Brown back-pass from out of his goal area but the ball broke for Ferris who chipped it to the far post where the lurking McBride made it four with a diving header .
22 When two businesses are both buying from and selling to one another the outstanding accounts between them can be offset and the net balance paid by whoever owes it to the other .
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