Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 More to the point , at that age , Auntie tells me , I saw no distinction between the two Fathers , both of whom lived in the sky .
2 In a very real sense , of course , the biographies of the Muftis in the following chapters illustrate the development of the hierarchy , but it seems not without point to concentrate attention on this particular aspect by placing side by side the biographies of two scholars , one of whom lived in the period before the hierarchy had become developed to any very great degree — before , perhaps , it is even possible to speak of a hierarchy-he other in a period when the development was fairly well advanced , though not complete .
3 So a Court would consist of three Magistrates , one of whom sits in the centre and acts as Chairman
4 To his list we could add attorneys and even local receivers of taxes , six of whom appear in a list of country bankers drawn up in 1784 .
5 Industrialists exploited their workers , and western nations exploited the rest of the world — but those who succeeded in the struggle were only too willing to see their success as the driving force of progress .
6 We tested the Volvo 460 on two readers who succeeded in the bid to get away .
7 Those who gain from this process — whether in primary or secondary care — are matched by others who lose in the zero sum game that resource allocation in the NHS has become .
8 There were men that " passed like ships in the night " — the good ones and men like " your father " who snored in the night and roared in the day who it was best to put a pillow between .
9 There 's nothing to be afraid of on this earth he says , not for those who trust in the Lord . ’
10 Carrie said , ‘ Mr Evans says no harm can ever come to those who trust in the Lord . ’
11 In theory it is the chairperson , who sits in the middle , who is the most crucial member of the interview panel , but in practice one of the others may have the real power to make decisions or the personality to override the others .
12 ‘ What can you do ’ , an exasperated colleague once complained , ‘ with a leader who sits in the smoking room reading the Strand Magazine ? ’
13 It is also a pleasure for a nation of country lovers to escape from what is in danger of becoming a land of theme parks and golf courses , to a place in which the earth is actually used for growing things and where the workers have n't been reduced to the statutory rustic who sits in the corner of the saloon bar entertaining the merchant bankers .
14 There is no place in the Branch for the engineer who sits in an office shuffling papers .
15 It was he who tended most to be swallowed up by the show 's overall style and it was therefore he who became in a sense ultimately dispensable .
16 Nothing , however , can detract from the miracle that , on Christmas Day 1973 , people who lived in a state of enmity with one another on each side of the peace-line were strangely drawn together , jointly to celebrate the Christmas story and to find in it a message of love and forgiveness and of reconciliation .
17 What appeared to be the most damaging evidence had been provided by an old man called Christopher Tricky , who lived in a hovel near the dog pound at Alfoxden park gate :
18 It seems that Panna was born asexual — with no visible sexual characteristics — into a poor family who lived in a village near Varanasi .
19 In real life she 'd been a poor shepherdess who lived in a dungeon and had asthma .
20 This produced different social patterns from those of , say , south-eastern Europe , where there were still peasants who remembered Robot , the servile labour service surviving from the feudal era , and who lived in a poverty like that of Calabria or the Guadalquivir valley .
21 Matthew Robinson , who lived in a lodging house for social security tenants in Keyham , Plymouth , Devon , was discovered by his brother Jason , nine — who had slept the night in the bunk above him — at 8.30am on Wednesday .
22 The two other mares who lived in a paddock , took longer to solve the problem — one pawed the bucket out with her hoof , and the other removed it with her mouth .
23 She told me of her children , of how life had changed in Oman once the old Sultan had gone and the new Sultan began to rule , of the Sultan 's mother who was ‘ covered in gold from her neck to her waist ’ and who lived in a palace in the city of Salalah .
24 At one point , one of the pupils renders ‘ … who lived in a pretty house with a large garden ’ as ‘ … who lived in a palace house with a little grandfather ’ .
25 Like the woman famed in the bairns ' rhyme , ‘ who lived in a shoe , and had so many children she did not know what to do , ’ Martha in her Boat-house kept so many lodgers — the cooking of meals , making of beds , and washing of linen for such a host made her often remark , ‘ I have so much wark , I dinna know what to do first ; ’ and then she had a husband to work for .
26 There was an Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe , taken from Nursery Rhymes by Tracey Boyd .
27 For The Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe , buy or make a long cake such as a swiss roll and cut about four inches off the end .
28 There was an Old Woman who Lived in a Shoe , taken from Nursery Rhymes by Tracey Boyd .
29 Fairytale characters mingled with the children in the crowd , giving them toys and bits of fruit : Mary Poppins , Mother Hubbard , the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe .
30 And Juan — as Alejandro ( who as one who lived in a glass house and was in no position to hurl polo balls ) pointed out — might well have died of sexual excess .
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