Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [pers pn] in the " in BNC.

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1 It 's clear to me and I think it 's clear to the vast majority in Congress that it 's a matter for branches to decide who represents them in the various forums of the union .
2 The country is divided into nine regions and in each of these we have someone or in some cases two people , who represents us in the regional Standing Conference of Sport and Recreation , and also on the Movement and Dance Liaison Group or Association .
3 He was survived by his wife Anne , daughter and heir of Richard Comport , of Eltham , and a son Comport ( born 1676 ) , who succeeded him in the baronetcy .
4 Behrend who entertained us in the Officers ' Mess for an evening meal and breakfast .
5 Heroes : Augusto Odone , who refused to accept there was no cure for his son , and Nick Nolte , who plays him in the film Screen drama : Michaela Odone , played by Susan Sarandon , nurses her son Lorenzo , Zack O'Malley Greenburgh , in a moving scene from Lorenzo 's Oil Prof John Sargent : helped pioneer treatment
6 He did not look at the woman who passed him in the hallway .
7 Had the two friends discussed her in the way men probably did when they looked at a young woman who passed them in the street ?
8 Hodai told Rostov that the major-domo who met them in the antechamber of the palace was a N'pani , the only foreigner with any authority at the court .
9 As he walked down the stairs it was the old lady who met him in the hall .
10 The two men have different versions of the meeting which followed , and there were no witnesses except for a waiter who interrupted them in the middle of the shouting match and asked if they wanted any sandwiches .
11 The metal was originally exploited by the Indians of Colombia and Ecuador who recovered it in the form of grains and occasional nuggets from gold-bearing alluvial deposits of rivers draining into the Pacific .
12 What cases like these show is not just that reform measures are often ineffectual , it is that — as with word meanings — their reception and transmission can not be controlled by the people , in this case the feminists , who proposed them in the first place .
13 These pairs are alphabetically listed and linked to the name of any author who used them in the title of the article that he wrote .
14 who looks them in the eyes and strikes
15 A few lay on the ground in exhausted or inebriated sleep , oblivious to children and dogs who clambered over them , or to the kicks from porters who found them in the way .
16 He now faces Alan McManus , the Scot who defeated him in the Asian Open semi-finals last year .
17 This little harbour near St Austell is named after Charles Rashleigh , who built it in the late eighteenth century to a design by John Smeaton .
18 Yes , his pulse does race , but mostly , he says , ‘ with admiration for the medieval masons and carpenters who built it in the first place ’ .
19 I used to smile at the people who stopped me in the street , not knowing what they wanted at first , until I discovered that there were actually beggars in London .
20 It was poor Jacob who caught it in the neck .
21 Wilson 's principal domestic fault was his kindness in bestowing benefits on friends , and indeed on anyone who approached him in the appropriate fashion , and certainly through Marcia Williams .
22 Nevertheless , the Australian is still likely to preside over the punishment of the opponent who beat him in the World Open final .
23 Afterwards , Bowe dismissed Lewis , who beat him in the 1988 Olympic final , as ‘ a big , ugly bum ’ .
24 However , if Europeans were exasperated with Carter , many had little liking either for the man who beat him in the November presidential elections .
25 Corsie 's semi-final opponent tomorrow will be Gary Smith who beat him in the final of the UK Championship five years ago .
26 Corsie 's semi-final opponent tomorrow will be Gary Smith who beat him in the final of the UK Championship five years ago .
27 Léon Blum , the new prime Minister , said of people like Cohn-Casson : ‘ They secretly curse those who put them in the hands of secular enemies . ’
28 It had been left to a nephew of Lucy Trigg 's , also a naval man , who put it in the hands of a London estate agent to sell for him whilst he was abroad .
29 At 7.00 next morning he placed the basin in his tin and handed it to the attendant , who put it in the hot cupboard .
30 I do n't need to be reminded that it was the previous administration who put it in the structure plan but I also want to remind those who were n't here that I was utterly opposed to that at the time .
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