Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The council wrote to warn infringing traders some of whom ceased to trade on Sundays as a result of the warnings .
2 During May , Maeght 's rue Saint-Merri gallery is featuring young Czechoslovakian artists : Simona Bubanova , Tomas Cisarovsky , Milena Dopitova , Jiri Prihoda , Antonin Strizek , Laco Teren and Filip Turek , none of whom has exhibited in Paris before .
3 Mr Boesky , who agreed to co-operate with prosecutors following his arrest in 1986 , was largely responsible for the conviction of former junk bond king Michael Milken , currently appealing against a 10-year jail term .
4 Who agreed to pay for Karen 's medical tests ?
5 Who wins depends on place , not relative strength .
6 Stephen Day , Guinness marketing manager for Kaliber , who witnessed Smithwick 's demise , admits : ‘ Ale drinkers tend to be older and more settled in their habits than the new young trialists who tend to go for lager , so it was more difficult to persuade them .
7 It is girls who tend to stay at school longer and in the secondary cycle outnumber boys ( making up 52 per cent of total enrolment in 1985 ) .
8 One must remember , however , that most of these truisms derive from American ( or Japanese ) businessmen and commentators , who tend to have in mind such American companies as IBM and GE .
9 Such thinking may have a particular appeal to Catholic Christians , who tend to think in terms of an evolving revelation .
10 We have understood this crucial point much longer than most of our colleagues , who tend to think in terms of the impact of nature on society , or the reverse .
11 The Pilgrims of Grace , who planned to march to London to compel Henry VIII to spare the monasteries , went to Jervaulx to ask the abbot to join them .
12 Mr Kidd said he already had anecdotal evidence of US conventions pulling out of the UK : ‘ One conference of surgeons and one group of insurance sales staff , who planned to come to London for two weeks , could not find a hotel they were happy with . ’
13 When she was not travelling round the world , Miss Hayes lived at Nyack or spent time with her adopted son , James , who became known to television viewers as detective Dan Williams on the series Hawaii Five-O .
14 A Peasants ' Revolt — the workers of Kent and Essex — led by Walter the tiler ( who became known as Wat Tyler ) , occurred in 1381 , in which they refused to pay the Poll Tax , and they gathered together to sweep in revolt into London , Although only a lad , Richard II subdued the revolt .
15 There was the redoubtable Mary O'Keefe — daughter of the famous sea-captain who became known as King O'Keefe of the South Seas .
16 After Muhammads death a schism developed between those ( who became known as Sunnis ) and the followers of Ali ( the Shiites , from Shi'a Ali , or party of Ali ) .
17 The visitors would act as spokesmen and advisers for clergy who remain opposed to women priests and assist the archbishops in monitoring the arrangements made for them .
18 Finnan was shouting commands and swords were still flashing at the beasts who fought to clamber on board .
19 Later in the month teachers who failed to return to work were dismissed .
20 Those who failed to respond to vaccine ( concentration of antibodies to hepatitis B surface antigen <10 IU/l ; 14% of those vaccinated ) were first tested for antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen , a marker of past or current infection with hepatitis B. As can be seen from the table , most of those investigated ( 99% ) had negative results for antibodies to core antigen and were true non-responders .
21 Mr Ceausescu had encased himself in such an impeneterable fortress that Gorbachev spared the Romanian leader from the warning he was to deliver later to Erich Honecker , that ageing leaders who failed to reform in time would pay dearly .
22 This publication contained detailed descriptions of persons who failed to appear at court to answer a criminal charge .
23 Students who drop out or who fail their college courses are often those who failed to come to terms quickly with their new environment and to make the necessary personal adjustments to fit into that environment .
24 But a black mark goes to the improbably named ‘ C D Lush ’ of the Travellers ' Club who failed to distinguish between Melvyn 's extract and D H Lawrence 's .
25 A report in the Middle East International ( MEI ) of Feb. 22 said , however , that only 14,300 people had been evacuated through Jordan since the war began , although they did not include an unknown number of Jordanians and Palestinians who failed to register at camps on the border .
26 Charles Scott , 25 , of Findlay Gardens , Edinburgh , who admitted acting with Edmiston in one of the break-ins , was jailed for 15 months .
27 There , the conduct of those who admitted using inside information was described as ‘ immoral ’ , ‘ unscrupulous ’ , ‘ unfair ’ , and a ‘ betrayal of fiduciary duties ’ .
28 We spoke to one miner who admitted tampering with samplers in another pit to Whitemoor .
29 At the Berlin conference only 10 days ago my German counterpart , the Minister of the Interior , was alarmed at the number of eastern Europeans and Russians who intend to move into Germany .
30 For those not wishing to specialise in statistics , some courses may be taken as options with Mathematics honours or in an ordinary degree ; such possibilities are valuable to those who intend to teach in schools or to take other employment in which they will apply mathematics .
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