Example sentences of "not merely [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Even if ambiguity is not fatal to the contract , the drafter 's objective is not merely to enable the client to win any dispute which may arise but , so far as possible , to avoid such disputes .
2 This was not merely to reassure his wife , but to make clear to Sarah that his love for Elizabeth had never wavered .
3 This is a superficial view of psychoanalytic theory , because it fails to see that the prime objective of Freud is not merely to explain the ‘ odd ’ actions of neurotics or primitives , but to use their actions to understand and explain what counts as ‘ normal ’ and ordinary action in Western societies .
4 If one takes this as a statement obliquely concerning the Marxist political project , it has a certain validity , in that it brings out the difference between Marxism and ‘ meritocratic ’ , or social-democratic notions of ‘ equality of opportunity ’ : the Marxist project is not merely to allow access to the privileged classes for the most ‘ able ’ individuals from all sections of society , but to transform the class structure ( to eliminate private possession of the major means of production and hierarchical management , and to institute a democratically socialised appropriation ) .
5 They wanted not merely to take anti-pollution and anti-nuclear measures , but also to change Germany back into a rural economy , yet they grew rapidly in appeal after 1981 and attracted the sympathy of leftists who were dissatisfied with the moderation of the SPD .
6 What the historian is trying to do is not merely to record the events and happenings of war , but to study them against the background of the world in which the long Anglo-French conflict was fought .
7 The Tender can , of course , be made without an admission of liability and the sum offered may well be designed not merely to reflect the value of the claim on a full liability basis , but discounted to reflect the difficulties which the pursuer faces .
8 The subject is one of great theoretical complexity , in which even the so-called experts find it easy not merely to disagree but to disagree about what questions to ask .
9 Most modern , written , constitutions seek not merely to set up and define the main organs of the state and to distribute public power amongst them , but also to state a range of constitutional guarantees for the subject , frequently limiting the power of organs of the state to this extent .
10 It 's also very good if board members can attend to er not merely to support the staff er and to celebrate the event but also , if necessary , to talk to the press or to er engage er with guests and so on and so forth .
11 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
12 The aim was ‘ not merely to halt the growth of public expenditure but to progressively reduce it ’ ( p. 5 ) .
13 The answer follows through : it is , as a minimum , to provide the graduates of higher education with the capacity not merely to go on learning , but also to go on being critical of all they encounter in thought and action .
14 More and more , in other words , these now possessed the means not merely to carry out foreign policy but also to study foreign policy questions in some depth .
15 Now at last he had an opportunity to act , not merely to argue .
16 Furthermore , the vendor is being asked not merely to warrant the absence of liabilities but also to warrant the state and adequacy of the assets being sold .
17 The Tories , on the other hand , put oaken boughs in their hats , claiming they did this not merely to commemorate Charles II 's famous escape at Worcester in 1651 ( where he had hidden in an oak tree to avoid the Parliamentary forces ) , but also to show " that with hearts of oak at the bottom , they will stand fast to the old English constitution both in church and state , in opposition to the miscellaneous tribe of atheists , deists , republicans … who triumph in their stolen wool " .
18 All Mr Clinton 's talents will be required not merely to stroke his allies in the Capitol 's anterooms , but to keep the country focused on what he is aiming at .
19 A prime example of that desire not merely to improve but to achieve the practical limit is his machine for microwriting .
20 Suffering then becomes God 's megaphone , as C. S. Lewis puts it , not merely to nudge our personalities towards God , but to warn us that our lives are wholly unreal unless God actually enters into them .
21 More serious was the way in which , in one or two capitals , foreign envoys used their rights of immunity not merely to shelter criminals in the embassy or legation but also to exclude the local police from a considerable area around it .
22 I am fascinated to notice that your profession has at last started not merely to say that , but to criticise those who refuse to allow so manifest a fact to be stated in order that it may be examined .
23 We have got not merely to say this , but to believe it and put our belief into practice .
24 There is a concern not merely to restrict local spending but also to reduce , where possible , the functions of local authorities .
25 The purpose of the museum , says its director , Jeshajahu Weinberg , is not merely to document .
26 Under these circumstances some kind of pay restraint was a clear political necessity , not merely to placate ‘ capital ’ domestic or international but because millions of workers and their families were fearful of the consequences for their livelihood .
27 He had a great appreciation of their visual appeal and he started the whole revolution of using photographs on their own merit and not merely to fill up space . ’
28 An agreement is needed , not merely to give up an amount of liberty , but to put it into the hands of some sovereign power .
29 We must persuade industry not merely to give away their tax- deductible loot as a sop to worthy environmental causes and charities but actually to find ways of integrating environmental capital into their accounts , as part of their business — a kind of natural account — a problem we are researching at the moment .
30 This , for Nelson , is the soul of Berlioz 's art , the musical equivalent of jeweller setting gemstones in precious metal , not merely to hold them in place , but to show them off to their greatest advantage .
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