Example sentences of "not come to " in BNC.

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1 But he could not come to terms with the climate .
2 Kark Weschke , at the Redfern Gallery , is Expressionist in a more orthodox fashion — not surprisingly , since he was born in Germany in 1925 and did not come to England until 1948 .
3 Tiriac is still miffed that the ATP final did not come to Stuttgart : ‘ The ATP told me to join the auction , but I am too good to have to do that . ’
4 I can not stand it any longer , if someone does not come to me I will give up and be miserable for ever and perhaps go home of my own accord , write or wire to Uncle C. and say you are coming at once pleas darling , and come on Saturday or I will give up altogether and always wretched .
5 But unlike them she did not come to office during a wartime emergency nor head a coalition government .
6 Fenna , by all the ancient laws , could not come to her until she invited him ; but he could , and did , will her to invite him , and the will of dragons is strong .
7 ‘ Still , you know you 're welcome , ’ she smiled and left him and he was not surprised when she did not come to the post office the next evening or the evening after .
8 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
9 ‘ I did not come to the presidency to become a president who will consolidate partition or to manage a crisis , ’ he said yesterday .
10 The judge 's decision means that the case will not come to court before early 1991 , when the issues will be decided in the context of the individual cases .
11 The Ryder Cup will not come to Spain in 1993 ?
12 JANUARY 1st dawned in Czechoslovakia and the world did not come to an end .
13 We can find justifying arguments for its ethical contents , even if we could not come to them on our own .
14 We were sad because he could not come to my room and I could not go to his home , where it would have been difficult to explain our relationship .
15 1 Samuel 4 renews the story of the conflict between the two peoples , and that rivalry remains a major feature of the account of Saul 's reign , and does not come to an end till victories won by David , described in 2 Samuel 5 .
16 If you will not come to us I am resolved to bring Oreste to you by and by so you may see how he progresses which I hope will be as well as when he was under your care .
17 The response we 've had indicates that our clients are confident they will not come to any harm . ’
18 For when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
19 When one thinks that in France the present generation has seen neither court gowns nor a ceremony of this sort and that , with very few exceptions , the ladies of high society do not come to the Tuileries , one is struck by the fact that everything should pass off so well and without lending itself to too much mockery .
20 When one considers the brilliance of the Court , the remark by Count Hubner that ‘ ladies of high society do not come to the Tuileries ’ perhaps needs some clarification .
21 There are two main types of reason why people may not come to the CAB : physical ones and psychological ones .
22 And because many illnesses and deaths in developing countries do not come to the attention of doctors , who are anyway ill-informed about the effects of pesticides , real casualty figures must be higher .
23 When aid does not come to the rescue
24 But he simply does not come to grips with the genuine political and cultural difficulty of establishing effective institutions for research in applied sciences , such as agriculture and medicine , which can not be seeded entirely by individual commitment and talent .
25 And thirdly , his world contained a great number of Christian knights , professional warriors , lords of unrule : if he could but find a holy cause , a just war , God 's war , for them to engage in outside the frontiers of Europe , what might they not achieve , what peace might not come to Christendom ?
26 Do not come to an interview encumbered with a lot of clutter like parcels , scarves , large shopping bags , and shoulder bags , which make you look burdened down .
27 If you do not advertise more widely your vacancy will not come to the attention of other potential employees who may not be actively looking for a job but who might be attracted by an advertisement which clearly specifies someone like them .
28 Instead , whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant , and whoever wants to be first must be your slave — just as the Son of Man did not come to be served , but to serve , and to give his life as a ransom for many ’ ' ( Matthew 20:25–28 ) .
29 People usually start to feel better about a problem when they have some explanation for it , but hang-ups relating to very early patterns of relating between mother and baby which we have been describing may not come to light within the time normally allowed for this type of treatment .
30 Sometimes , if elderly relatives are living at a distance , it is not possible to be certain , in spite of advice from us , and help from neighbours with the shopping , that they are eating properly , but if they can only be persuaded to drink a pint of milk every day and eat some fresh citrus fruit , wholemeal bread , cheese or eggs , margarine or butter and a bowl of bran cereal , we shall know that they can not come to any serious harm from a dietary point of view , even though a much more varied diet would be more suitable .
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