Example sentences of "not simply the " in BNC.

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1 Their criticism is not simply the embittered jealousy of defeated leaders ; it represents a feeling of betrayal .
2 The reason is not simply the preliminary nature of the manuscript .
3 Now it was not simply the male , but the circumcised male who was to be the full participant in his nation 's covenantal law and cultic activities .
4 However , it is not simply the type of service or resource which distinguishes one form of prevention from another .
5 Perhaps for this reason Judaism and Islam , particularly when they refer to the creative power of the god whom they follow , suggest that their deity is in fact the only god who exists and not simply the only god who is to be worshipped :
6 The process of creating a nation was not simply the imposition of a single political authority over a territory .
7 But for Marx and Engels the discovery of Ireland changed the motivation , not simply the strategic balance .
8 One reason for this , I would suggest , is that Brief Encounter is not simply the tearful tale of heterosexual romance that it appears to be : beneath , or alongside , or overlapping this narrative is another , quite specifically related to the homosexuality of its author .
9 Although climatic deterioration in the later Middle Ages certainly worsened the situation , these disasters were not simply the haphazard expression of hostile Nature .
10 The underclass in Dahrendorf 's account is not simply the product of unemployment .
11 The pleasure of the text stems at least in part from collective utopias , social wish fulfillment and social aspirations , and these are not simply the sublimated expression of more basic sexual desires .
12 Because this is a test of observation and not of memory , make sure you look at each item in relation to the others , noticing not simply the objects themselves but the pattern they form on the tray .
13 The tensions were bound to create difficulties , which came to the fore as national problems of economic management became clearer , even if they were not simply the consequence of those problems ( Rhodes , 1985 ) .
14 Unfortunately , it is not simply the future of Henderson Island which is at stake .
15 It is not simply the extremity of the violence which concerns us : we found it extremely disturbing that highly explicit depictions of mutilation , savagery , menace and humiliation should be presented for the entertainment of an audience in a way that appeared to emphasise the pleasures of sadism .
16 It is not simply the information brought to the fore during the session itself which is significant , but also anything which may come to the patient 's mind between the end of that consultation and the beginning of the next .
17 Then there was not simply the death by drowning but the addition of the pain and violence which had preceded it .
18 Remember that a phobia is an illogical fear and not simply the natural caution with which we all treat potentially dangerous substances such as fire .
19 What is being defended is not simply the position of individuals in group A against challenge by outsiders .
20 However , the extent of the command in the Great Commission is not simply the spread of the gospel outwards territorially but down through the cultural layers .
21 From a Christian perspective cultural diversity is not simply the result of the interplay of sociological and environmental factors , it is a demonstration of the creative ingenuity of God .
22 The importance of the healing miracles for most Christians today is not simply the fact that Jesus performed them .
23 The fact is everything is negotiable in business , not simply the price .
24 And the place is not simply the background or backdrop against which the action occurs ; it plays its part in the drama .
25 Bill is not simply the Saturday voice of Grandstand , owner of the most taken-off tones in sport .
26 In summary , the Pacific is not simply the biggest and the deepest quarter of the world ocean .
27 To this it might be replied that it is not simply the case that the evaporation/solar-flares analogy is not sufficiently strong an analogy to justify our using the term ‘ afternoon ’ on the Sun ; it is no justification at all .
28 Jesus is therefore not simply the human instrument of God 's purposes , nor simply a man responding to divine grace : he is God come as man in order to work out and establish in himself the true destiny of man in friendship and communion with God .
29 There is a large measure of agreement within the literature that the structure of bargaining which becomes associated with a particular country 's industrial relations system is not simply the result of chance occurrence or historical accident , but develops instead because of identifiable forces .
30 State education was not simply the natural consequence of giving votes to the masses , or a belief in the need , as one Minister put it , to ‘ educate our masters ’ .
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