Example sentences of "not evidence [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Detail like this provides retrospective labelling , but it is not evidence about a historical period .
2 There was a need for concerted action that was not evidence of weakness but of ‘ confidence and strength ’ .
3 This conflicts with earlier reports that Cu(I) gets incorporated into ZNO in the methanol synthesis catalyst ( but as Couves et al write , ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ ) .
4 Mere dictation to a typist in the normal course of business is not evidence of excessive publication .
5 There were some granulomatous area on the lower edges of the lungs , possibly caused by migrating worms , but these seemed to be old lesions and not evidence of a newly acquired disease .
6 He and his colleagues were understandably concerned about the lack of evidence to support the beneficial claims of holistic medicine , but Dr Richards , who thought much evidence could be produced if funds were available , sagely remarked that ‘ absence of evidence is not evidence of absence ’ , a remark that lingered after a discussion that would have been better if longer and better left to the end of this excellent series .
7 Now merely saying that is not evidence of any kind ( and may merely annoy those AI workers who program in languages other than LISP and do use flow-charts ) , but it does bring out something of the opposition between modules and levels that is the heart of the last part of this paper : flow-chart boxes are essentially separated from each other in ways like those that separate the modules of programs ; but program levels are not like that .
8 Convincing consumers to pay more for premium products is not evidence of a cartel : it is good marketing .
9 Thus , although longitude bias of the VGP paths is definitive evidence for core-mantle interaction , simple VGP paths are not evidence of near-dipolar transition fields .
10 That is not evidence of a general trend .
11 It said that its study had not discovered any conclusive evidence on the damage done to humans by low-level exposure , but it stated that the lack of information and knowledge of the effects of exposure to low doses of the chemicals over a long period had led the working party to adopt the precautionary principle that absence of evidence was not evidence of absence .
12 There is not evidence of a systematic decrease in nutrients in the region .
13 But this is not evidence for an additional hereditary mechanism .
14 Again , particular accuracy is not evidence for general acquisition ( see Ellis 1985 ; Tarone 1983 , 1988 ) .
15 Leaving out the copula ( to be ) , using double negative , interchanging subjective and objective pronouns ( he and him ) can all be shown to be rule governed and consistent dialect practices , not evidence for an inability to express logical relations as Greenfield and some of the writers she cites had claimed ( 1972 , p. 173 ) .
16 But equally obviously this is not evidence for conscious design .
17 In each case , the situation involved a procedural matter , not evidence in the trial .
18 ( 3 ) The replies that you give are not evidence against you in any later criminal trial that may arise from this case .
19 So in so far as that affects the confession it may mean that it could be removed but that 's really completely irrelevant to you because erm that 's his confession , not evidence against him .
20 It may be very very relevant to what happens to but with regard to your client , this statement is not evidence against him because his confession is admissible only against the maker .
21 Alex Mair said : ‘ I could argue that what you are killing is n't a child and that repugnance at an act is n't evidence of its immorality . ’
22 This is n't evidence of decadence or decline , it 's evidence of the spreading of wealth and the sharing of privilege .
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