Example sentences of "not a single " in BNC.

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1 A total of 39 British players started the week this year , and not a single one got past the 3rd round .
2 Probably the most outstanding demonstration of their strength was in the 100mph Colwich collision in 1986 when despite coaches — some of them Mark 2s but largely Mark 3s — being piled on top of each other , or spreadeagled across the track , not a single passenger was killed .
3 ‘ She looked at her step-mother but uttered not a single word ; she simply picked up our big drap-de-dames green shawl ( it 's a shawl we all use , a drap-de-dames one ) , and covered her head and face entirely with it ad lay down on the bed with her face to the wall , ad her little shoulders and her whole body were trembling . '
4 Nevertheless , Hirsch responded that ( apart from a phrase which I have elided ) , ‘ There is not a single one of these platitudes that I do n't subscribe to wholeheartedly … ‘ .
5 Yet so firmly established is the image of Hardy as a rustic provincial that Virgil rates not a single entry in the index to J.O .
6 As not a single local party had discussed either of these issues , not a single delegate took umbrage and Mr Kinnock received a Tory-style standing ovation .
7 As not a single local party had discussed either of these issues , not a single delegate took umbrage and Mr Kinnock received a Tory-style standing ovation .
8 He saw many seagulls but not a single bluebird , and could not be persuaded to approach the edge to have his picture taken .
9 No wonder , then , that Fussell can find not a single redeeming feature of the war .
10 As a result , in the first free elections in the spring of 1917 to the zemstvo and municipal Belorussian governments , not a single nationalist representative won any popular support .
11 Not a single articulate foreigner penetrated the Smolensk or Kursk gubernii to leave a record behind .
12 Indeed , the reference to ‘ the social changes of the last fifteen years ’ makes it an understatement : for there is not a single social service today which was not framed more than fifteen years ago .
13 It would not be a source of comfort to the hardpressed British public if they were to become aware that ( reckoning our overseas statistics globally not a single bean of substance for themselves or of capital equipment for British manufacturers is likely to be left over from the American credit ; and that we shall require , on balance , the whole of it , and , unless we change our ways , much more to feed and sustain Allies , liberated territories and ex-enemies , to maintain our military prestige overseas , and , generally speaking to cut a dash in the world considerably above our means .
14 If you take the largest ten banks in the world , there 's not a single British bank among them .
15 Sleep is not a single process , as we know from our own experiences .
16 Production had sunk so low that in November , Black November , not a single film went into production in any of the country 's studios .
17 Lord Tyrrell , the former diplomat , who became BBFC President in 1935 , notoriously declared that ‘ we may take pride in observing that there is not a single film showing in London today which deals with any of the burning questions of the day . ’
18 The round still proves the soundest of methods : even given limited rehearsal time , there was much security in the warm-up sequence , a point surprisingly made with This Little Babe from Britten 's A Ceremony Of Carols , and by the time we reached Runswick 's final party ensemble not a single face on stage I could see registered anything less than complete involvement .
19 Not a single one ?
20 Not a single other EC government had yesterday come out in support of the American President 's decision .
21 Let's hope there is not a single dropout to preserve the quarter odds a place , one , two , three and four .
22 Not a single borough in the capital was having difficulty finding enough flats and houses .
23 Taking a gamble , the British Greens contested all 78 mainland seats and took nearly 15 per cent of the vote ( but no seats because of the first-past-the-post rule of British elections ; i.e. there was not a single constituency in which the Greens had a majority ) .
24 In the past five years that has happened in fewer than 15% of the cases ; not a single officer has been found criminally liable .
25 With not a single touch
26 Like a cruel joke , someone had tidily piled the crushed and empty drink cans in one comer : not a single full one remained .
27 So many questions and , as yet , not a single answer .
28 Not a single raised forefinger ; not a flicker of a catalogue ; not even a blink .
29 A wilderness which gradually widened until not a single shrub of hope was left .
30 Despite her love of the Commonwealth , and Prince Charles ' concern for the inner cities , there is not a single black or Asian face to be seen in the inner circle , and scarcely any white ones drawn from outside a very small pool .
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