Example sentences of "not believe [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Harry laughed , not believing Alice might be serious .
2 I do not believe Jenkins had any such ambition , and I am quite sure that it was not within his nature to take any active steps to intrigue , but Harold Wilson did believe — and conscientiously so — that such intrigues were taking place .
3 We can not afford to be complacent , but I do not believe complacency is in the vocabulary of any one of you .
4 He did not believe money had been decisive in the company 's final decision .
5 But despite her own achievements , she does not believe women are any better equipped for communication , emotional expression and partnership than men .
6 However , there were reports of fresh supplies of Chinese arms being made to the Khmers Rouges — possibly under old agreements — and Hun Sen said that his government did not believe China 's statement .
7 Melia , like Freddie 's 78-year-old widow Chrissie and his children , does not believe Mills killed himself .
8 ‘ Because I do not believe Rastani 's conversion to our faith was genuine .
9 He does not believe celibacy should be demanded of priests — whether gay or straight .
10 This model accepts the virtues of plurality and local independence , and argues that a competitive local government is in the end a more efficient system ; nevertheless , it does not believe consensus on policy is realistic or desirable .
11 Patsy 's brother Dennis also played for the club and did not appreciate the secretary 's habitual greeting : ‘ with me bleedin ’ ribs pokin ’ out of me skin , breakin ’ me neck to get at that six and eight ’ ( the initial sum dispensed by the Secretary ) , Dennis Hendren had not wintered well ’ and did not believe Middlesex looked after its players out of season .
12 His three-year contract with Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
13 His three-year contract with Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
14 Wigan only allows him one season abroad and he does not believe Britain 's champion team will permit him to play club football in Australia again .
15 A survey by the Confederation of British Industry found bosses do not believe recovery can start before next spring -and only then if there is an interest rate cut .
16 He has remembered that he does not believe Keith .
17 She did not believe Labour was now the party of home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude : ‘ If it 's that easy for the Labour leader to give up the principles in which he does believe , wo n't it be even easier for him to give up the principles in which he does not believe ?
18 In his view — I quote him precisely — ’ it would be an act of sheer folly and I do not believe Mr. Lang is capable of that . ’
19 The jury did not believe Evans 's story about his wife 's abortion , as there was no evidence of it .
20 We do not believe draft MPG6 offers a balanced view of the pros and cons of coastal super quarries ( paragraphs 41 and 42 ) .
21 We do not believe draft MPG6 offers a balanced view of the pros and cons of coastal super quarries ( paragraphs 41 and 42 ) .
22 Over half of those polled do not believe John Major usually tells the truth as they see it .
23 Deep down she did not believe Cobalt needed to be warned about things .
24 Now do not believe bundles dropped .
25 Mr David Bruce , a member of the local Tory association , said he did not believe Mr Taylor would be asked to stand again .
26 I can not believe Mr Spiro would do this .
27 Sir Wilfrid was more polite , but it was clear that he did not believe Mr Appin 's story .
28 ‘ I do not believe governments can spend their way out of recession .
29 Mr Lindsey was predicting in early January that the majority of customers this year would probably opt for a variable rate , on the basis that they probably did not believe interest rates would drop very much further .
30 It can require us to support legislation we believe would be inappropriate in the perfectly just and fair society and to recognize rights we do not believe people would have there .
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