Example sentences of "[ex0] are [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This will lead to even greater problems when there are errors in scoring or labelling some portion of the lattice .
2 Women are still fair and men still love them , but there are fashions in love , as in other things .
3 ‘ It 's funny how there are fashions in crime , as in everything else , Bragg , ’ he said didactically .
4 Interestingly , I found out that there are fashions in wine .
5 Think what sort of murders were most in the public eye at the period you want to write about , because there are fashions in murder .
6 There are fashions in advertising as in most other things .
7 There are molecules in space that we would have great difficulty making in the laboratory .
8 Unless there are improvements in design and operation , the six million will have become seven million by 2026 .
9 What happened if there are improvements in technology in the industry ?
10 This is a small town of some character , a historic strong point standing up above the Gave , in which there are competitions in summer to catch the surviving salmon , no longer so abundant here as in the good medieval days .
11 For example , attempts to introduce marginal cost pricing ( Treasury 1967 ) or ‘ verité des prix ’ ( Dubois 1975 : 31–2 ) are undermined by simultaneous government concern with inflation and hence with holding down public enterprise prices ( and there are problems in principle with the application of marginal cost pricing ) .
12 One is to ensure that the licensing arrangement means the acceptance of certain component parts from the licensor and if there are problems in payment then components can be withheld .
13 One of the problems facing football is that with so many fixtures around , there are problems in lending matches a sense of occasion .
14 Er in relation to King Street er car park , there are there are complications in relation to er the usage of the car parking spaces erm and the health centre and on street car parking erm and we are going to do er further work in surveying the usage of those spaces and how we could perhaps better allocate them to ensure that there are erm spaces available for people who need to get to the surgery and the subcommittee will be reporting back to the council .
15 And yet , there are lives in outline
16 The calculation of the head rent is also easier if there are subleases in existence .
17 Attractive as you are , Caroline , there are hotels in Milano that would have served my purpose — if a night with you had been what I wanted . ’
18 Liaison with the marketing department is important to ensure that the productive effort is meeting the customer 's needs , or , where there are difficulties in production , ensuring that the customer is informed and/or is prepared to accept a slightly different standard or quality of product , for example .
19 Expert advice is most frequently needed when senior staff are considering mounting a prosecution ( ch. 9 ) or when there are difficulties in connection with the issuance of a consent ( ch. 2 ) .
20 And there are moments in history when
21 There are scenes in variety , but connected by an interesting theme and one that she made particularly her own , the self-deceiver .
22 There are variations in life expectancy within Great Britain .
23 There are changes in behaviour which are a consequence of the conditions which the animal is having to deal with .
24 There are changes in parking arrangements too , with car parking moved to the pavement but with kerbs removed ( Figure 6.5 ) .
25 There are changes in technology : electronic systems take over from the electromechanical mode typical of ‘ mass culture ’ ( just as that had taken over from the purely mechanical production and distribution methods of the earlier bourgeois period , epitomized by music printing ) .
26 But equally there are dangers in complacency .
27 There are systems in research laboratories which approach this goal but increasing the number of speakers who can be recognised reduces the number of words that can be accepted at any one time .
28 There there are systems in place in schools already for that and there always have been .
29 ( There are differences in degree , for the unprecedented acceleration of Western civilization since the fifteenth century does indeed make all others seem static by comparison . )
30 Between closely related taxa , resource partitioning is found as in the case of squirrels in Gabon , where two of the nine coexisting species are found in special habitats , the other seven being taxonomically rather diverse : four of these are essentially arboreal , the other three ground foragers , and in each group there are differences in size such that food is partitioned by hardness and size .
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