Example sentences of "[ex0] seem to have been a " in BNC.

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1 There seemed to have been a real shift from the closed systems of resource allocation that tended to exist before devolution , systems where a person , usually the head , made all the decision about capitation .
2 The second Lady Deverill , having pulled her horse off Hullabaloo at the last minute , leaving herself just enough time to put him right at the ditch and hedge , did n't even bother to stop and admire her handiwork before riding on up the hill to rejoin the hunt and tell her husband that there seemed to have been a rather fearful accident .
3 There seem to have been a lot of people who took up painting for a while and then dropped it : often enough , like the young Roger Vadim , to become a cineaste or a designer in the lively world of small theatres ( which are also extensively documented in the Pavillon des Arts . )
4 By this period he was seriously addicted to the tranquillizer , nembutal , and there seem to have been a number of objects to which he attached his fears — lifts and large animals among them .
5 The bombardment destroyed our first system , of course , and there seem to have been a lot of gas shells landing amongst our gunners — those that were n't killed — and they say the Hun did a lot of damage with his trench mortars and those awful Minenwerfers .
6 I suppose in the nineteen fifties we all thought that was the answer to energy production , but there seem to have been a lot of problems over these since then .
7 There seems to have been a hierarchy of colours , ranging from grey , to red for the principal rooms .
8 Additionally , and of equal significance , is the fact that within the overall blood taboo context there seems to have been a clear and hierarchical distinction made between male blood and female blood .
9 The Conservatives went into the campaign in a worse position than when they lost to Labour under Harold Wilson in 1964 , and that position , if anything , deteriorated , yet there seems to have been a last-minute surge in the Tories ’ favour .
10 There seems to have been a power failure , ’ a male voice replied .
11 There seems to have been a subsequent change of emphasis as evidenced by Minister of State Angela Rumbold 's speech at the Industrial Society in December 1989 .
12 One aspect of the changing nature of local government since the early 1970s seems to be that various local government agencies have taken on this role in one way or another , to the extent that there seems to have been a marked change in relations between those agencies and business interests at local level .
13 Despite attempts to recommend local materials , the per capita costs of the scheme were also high and there seems to have been a certain ‘ willing suspension of disbelief ’ about the local capacity to provide replacements for all the goodies originally supplied by UNICEF .
14 There seems to have been a generally similar scheme of attack , if similarities to the Kentish experience are anything to go by .
15 Although Hogarth called Ramsay ‘ Phizmongers ’ and ‘ another face painter from abroad ’ , there seems to have been a genuine mutual regard between them , and their combined efforts literally changed the face of British portraiture .
16 As far as planning is concerned , there seems to have been a failure to examine the proposal realistically .
17 To use Hirschi and Gottfredson 's ( 1986 ) terminology , there seems to have been a retreat from explanations of criminality , to explanations of crime — from explaining criminal dispositions , to explaining ( or rather preventing ) criminal acts .
18 Phone back a couple of hours later to report that ooh-er , there seems to have been a copy of the Forms virus on the disk you were using , thus leaving said Editor 's hard disk neither healthy nor safe .
19 There seems to have been a windmill for practically every village and sometimes two or more in the market towns .
20 To judge from what little evidence survives , there seems to have been a strong dynastic element involved in Zealot leadership .
21 At the offices of Faber and Faber , also , there seems to have been a succession of jokes ( firecrackers in the coal scuttle on the Fourth of July ) and spoof letters .
22 The similarities to modern Ulster vernacular are very striking to anyone who knows Ulster vernacular : lowering of /Ε/; seems to have applied in polysyllables in EModE ( as in BV ) , and there seems to have been a flip-flop , as the lowering of /Ε/; applies in environments where raising of /a/ also applies — again as in Belfast .
23 From discussions within a racially mixed group of sixty pupils , both from the fourth and fifth year , there seems to have been a consensus of opinion that the streaming system does not truly reflect ability .
24 As we shall see in chapter 27 , in recent years there seems to have been a greater willingness in the Western liberal democracies to take action outside the normal channels of group and party politics .
25 Since the death of Stalin there seems to have been a conscious attempt to ensure that legal principles are adhered to and even the KGB appeared to make efforts to observe legality ( Hough and Fainsod , 1979 , pp. 278–84 ) .
26 There seems to have been a fad 25 years ago where many young schoolgirls used compasses or needles with Indian ink to scrawl on their arms , ’ Dr McKenna said .
27 Their advice was not wholly disinterested , however , since there seems to have been a move in the Conservative Party at this time to replace Baldwin as Party leader by Austen Chamberlain , and so prepare the ground for another Conservative/Liberal Coalition-a reversal , as Cowling puts it , of the verdict of the Carlton Club which had destroyed the Lloyd George Coalition .
28 Notwithstanding all the excitement and positive feelings generated by the participating women — bonds were established , friendships formed — there seems to have been a deliberate silence from the media , including feminist arenas .
29 In Devon and Cornwall indeed there seems to have been a long tradition of piratical and privateering activity in addition to legitimate trade , which may well have laid the foundation for the activities of seamen from this part of the country in the Elizabethan age ( 63 , pp.159–60 ) .
30 From that time onward the flow of migrants from the West Indies to Britain has declined steadily : recently there seems to have been a net outflow .
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