Example sentences of "[ex0] come [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After 1956 , with the Soviet cause politically and morally bankrupt , there came a gradual softening of the brutal Stalinist line of the immediate postwar years .
2 Then from out there where Slorne 's gaze had led him , from out of the dark moonlit sky , there came a distant calling of a name , a place , a power , and it was like a great presence he could only feel and not see , and it cast itself over him , and over his cage , and over the whole Zoo , and over more than that .
3 Behind him the dogs bayed in triumph , then suddenly there came a terrible scream which clutched Corbett 's heart — a cry of dreadful despair .
4 After the strike by Madrid cleaners , there came a two-day stoppage by workers in the hotel industry .
5 He was just scooping the lard out of the trout mask when there came a violent knocking at the bedroom door .
6 As Rincewind stared at the crowd , with sensations of prickly horror travelling up his spine , there came a gentle prod in the small of his back .
7 But during the second half of the century there came a new approach to physiology , involving chemistry .
8 After the two men had served more than six years in prison , there came a new twist to the case .
9 But , almost at the end of the ascent , there came a new series of alarming jerks and they juddered to a halt once more .
10 One eye-witness account noted : ‘ At twelve noon , when the horses were pulling the Indian , there came a great gust of wind , and after this a rain shower which made everyone , including the soldiers , run for cover at great speed .
11 Once production was under way there came a great demand for the engines from the ore mines of Cornwall .
12 There came a hissing sound and the ducks turned to see a swan cruising towards them .
13 There came a muffled exclamation and a curse .
14 Silver was almost at the crest when suddenly , from half-way up , there came a high screaming — the sound a rabbit makes , not to call for help or to frighten an enemy , but simply out of terror .
15 In the morning there came an ominous indication , although it still could be but threat .
16 The company had seated themselves again , and conversation was just beginning to resume , when there came an authoritative rapping of knuckles upon wood and M. Dupont had risen to his feet .
17 But just as man 's dates were being pushed back , there came an unhappy interaction between geology and physics , again two sciences which had not seemed to have a common frontier .
18 As a result , there came an increased acceptance of the view that persistent , and unacceptable , inequality and want might be built into the economic system unless the state made key interventions along the lines of the German model .
19 Suddenly , as my shoes and socks got soaking wet and frozen , there came an excruciating pain and I cried with the intensity of it .
20 Gedanken was about to protest that she did go to discos and parties , and it was no big deal being a girl doing physics , but before she could open her mouth , there came the first question .
21 But as the decade wore on , there came the first rumblings that something was wrong .
22 After a while there came the distant sound of rushing water .
23 But then there came the great god Telly , and for the sort story all was darkness .
24 It was not long after that evening there came the sad news that Herr Bremann had shot himself in a train between Hamburg and Berlin .
25 But there came the disquieting thought that my opinion did n't matter .
26 There came the faint scuffle of moving feet , and a dark shape moved out from the rear of the car .
27 There came the unmistakable sound of legs shooting into denim , then the zip going up .
28 But before his ‘ Flying Circus ’ could be properly established at Verdun , there came the shattering news on June 18th of the death of Immelmann .
29 At that moment , there comes a new way of seeing and the sensation of tears is felt and with it the ecstasy of seeing the eternal or divine .
30 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
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