Example sentences of "not [art] big " in BNC.

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1 The big glass and the notes for the big glass , he wrote , not the big glass by itself and the notes by themselves , the big glass and the notes for the big glass , the notes for the big glass and the big glass , he wrote , never the one alone or the other alone , for neither by itself has any meaning , neither by itself will have any force , but always both together , not as text and gloss , not as image and caption , but always as exchange and delay , mirror and reflection .
2 ‘ For Christ 's sake , Pat , not the big fat rabbit that was in the hutch hanging on the wall at the back of the house ? ’
3 But they 'll take stage victories , not the big prizes , and may often be deployed as super-domestiques to younger and more eager men .
4 Anyone who has drunk one of the bottles of Fred Leroux 1920 at Le Vigneron in Reims ( in the days when it was an unpretentious little bistro , not the big , brash restaurant it is now ) will know that some wines of Chigny are capable of maturing for great periods of time .
5 Dr Tyrrell says the real danger of infection from a sneeze is invisible : ‘ It is not the big blobs of mucus that are the problem , it is the smaller , invisible droplets which hang around in the air for several minutes after a sneeze . ’
6 Not the big ones . ’
7 In seeking to establish the role of headhunting within the general economic environment , the survey questioned whether or not the Big Bang of October 1986 and the stock market crash of a year afterwards affected companies ' recruiting policies and usage of headhunters .
8 I 've made lots of forties and fifties but not the big hundreds that get you noticed , ’ strangely adding , ‘ I want to improve my fielding and establish myself in the one-day game . ’
9 ‘ Why not THE BIG DIPPER PRINCIPLE ? ’ said Gedanken .
10 Oh , and remember , this is the countryside not the big city and it 's Sunday , so your choice is limited . ’
11 Plus within my environmental thing I would like to be able to see if we can get four areas within the school and what I was thinking about , not the big areas outside in the gardens etcetera but do you know as you walk along from our corridor up past the dining hall and there 's that little bit of enclosed space
12 That 's not the big one sir .
13 Not the big one do you ?
14 ‘ Oh master Conroy , do n't cry — not a big boy like you .
15 It 's not a big deal in the scheme of things but you get an awful lot of hassle when all your mates are going to university , or start bringing home the bacon .
16 He was not a big star at the time and it was just a good song .
17 We 'd have our own generator too , only there 's not a big enough head of water to our spring .
18 But it 's not a big deal .
19 This was not a big problem .
20 It was not a big watch but the noise it made was much bigger than you would have expected .
21 Prince Richard was not a big man but his physical presence was overwhelming .
22 ‘ He 's not a big stiff , ’ said Maria defensively .
23 He was not a big man — only about five feet seven inches tall — but his years as a coachsmith had given him a body that was all muscle with not an ounce of fat .
24 David was not a big man but , like several Palace midfield players and defenders , he excelled under intense and almost continuous pressure in Division One .
25 Hotel fires are not a big killer in Britain .
26 It 's not a big seller , but there 's a steady demand . ’
27 It 's not a big money-making thing — if they could break even they 'd be happy . ’
28 Jacques Kohn , for Angeli , said : ‘ Given they wanted £2.5 million , it 's not a big award . ’
29 Technically , says Mr Nearn , it was not a big step for Caterham to move into manufacturing the car it had been selling and marketing for years .
30 Also , before the 1991 Budget , the tax benefit was simply not a big enough incentive , and it has taken time for companies to respond to the new , more generous tax environment .
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