Example sentences of "[ex0] [vb -s] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 There has also seemed to be a tendency among excavators either to cling rigidly to the date of a coin , or in the case of a pottery assemblage , to aim at an average date ; perhaps in some of the excavations of the thirties , the methods used were not refined enough for a director even to be sure that all the pottery came from a particular stratified layer , and if , therefore , a few sherds appeared which were out of dating context with the main assemblage , they could be put aside as ‘ intrusions ’ and ignored .
2 But on the other hand they 're not having to deal so much with another executor there is n't there has n't got to be so much to and fro correspondence and therefore the workload will be somewhat less and that 's likely to balance the extra responsibility element .
3 I think there has always got to be for any executive — and for any employee for that matter — new challenges , new frontiers to keep them enthused .
4 But since then , there has never seemed to be a right time .
5 There are unquantified provisions in MAFF 's regulations for reducing the number of HLCAs paid where land ( including common land ) is ‘ overgrazed ’ but there does not appear to be one instance of MAFF ( nor of WOAD in Wales ) enforcing this provision .
6 There does not appear to be any threat to individual species from agriculture .
7 There does not appear to be any preference for particular types : worldwide issues and trends , market research , attitudinal surveys were all mentioned .
8 Note that there does not appear to be a standard configuration for servo motor connections and on some older motors the supply connections may have to be reversed .
9 Executive voices have been raised several octaves over the issue ( UX No 433 ) , and there does not appear to be any clear agreement yet on how COSE firms would level this playing field .
10 Dale 's studies of fetal response to moderate cardiovascular exercise showed increased breathing movements , transient bradycardia or tachycardia , or changes in uterine bloodflow , but there does not appear to be a systematic study that has given clear guidelines for safe levels of maternal exercise .
11 The existence of an internationalised contract between a private entity and a State is frequently asserted , and there does not appear to be any reason why international law can not be the proper law of a contract between an international organisation and a private entity .
12 Whilst there does not appear to be any universal agreement on the precise meaning to be attached to these prefixes ( compare the definitions of modern algebra in [ 71 , p. 669 ] and [ 81 , p. 702 ] ) we can fairly safely say that classical algebra is the present synonym for the theory of equations , a theory in which are manipulated symbols which invariably represent numbers , be they complex , real or rational .
13 However the collapse of the wavepacket does not seem to carry information of this kind so that there does not appear to be a prima facie case of contradiction .
14 Although the cuckoo is a bigger bird than the reed warbler or any other of its regular hosts , its eggs are unusually small in proportion to its size , with the result that there does not appear to be a great discrepancy between them .
15 Equally , there does not appear to be any great regional variation in the use of temporary workers , except that almost all agency workers are in the South East of the country .
16 Thirdly , there does not appear to be any general right to attend a hearing as the friend or adviser of the individual directly concerned ; whether such a right exists depends on the nature of the tribunal in question .
17 There does not appear to be a graduation from the small semi-transparent scales of the Ophiacanthinae to the larger , well developed , plates of the Ophioplinthacinae .
18 The dates of composition of both Hocazade 's and Ali Tusi 's works on the seem to be unknown , and there does not appear to be any evidence which would enable one to date the foundation of Mehmed II's addition to the Uc Serefeli medrese .
19 However , as can be seen from Figure 4.7 , there does not appear to be any overall relationship between mean risk rating and P(A) in this study .
20 There does not appear to be a clear answer in law to these questions .
21 Computers , especially microcomputers and terminals with monitors , have been claimed to be harmful to the health of the operator because of radioactive emissions although at the present time there does not appear to be any conclusive proof that a real danger to health exists .
22 However there does not appear to be large over-capacity in the government bond market to the extent believed to exist in the equity market .
23 The reason I say this is that i ) , there does not appear to be financial problems with the Club and ii ) , there has been no talk of buying another class player .
24 On the other hand , the required energy coupling capacitors cause problems and can be expensive at higher current levels , and there does not seem to be any proof that there is a volume , weight , or cost saving over the standard Buck topology for any given equivalent performance level .
25 THERE does not seem to be much good news about for any bulls in the advertising agency sector .
26 Press response If there does not seem to be any response to your press release , do not be afraid to follow it up with a telephone call .
27 In this sense , while its practical effects would demand close supervision , and while the evidence for it is all late , there does not seem to be any particular reason why the classical jurists should not have admitted it .
28 There does not seem to be this intense aggression in my aquarium , obviously the size of the tank does give quite a lot of room for manoeuvre , but as I said earlier , as I add more Emperors , a close watch will have to be kept on them .
29 ‘ I was brought up to respect the police but there does not seem to be the respect any more .
30 And now that grammar is coming back into favour , there does not seem to be much in the way of reasoned argument for its return .
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