Example sentences of "[ex0] [modal v] [vb infin] been a " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Marshall says that while there may have been a 15% reduction in area , overall output may be only 10% lower .
2 The part you require is 560794 ( Genuine Parts ) This is equivalent to GTRIII which is a Unipart number As you have fitted two of these to no avail I would try the gauge itself As your Land Rover has been fitted with a non-original switch to work the glow plugs and this has caught fire , there may have been a short circuit which damaged the voltage stabiliser and temperature sender unit and has probably damaged the gauge itself The colour of the sender unit is not significant
3 Of these , two were corn mills , one eventually became an iron works and the other probably a corn mill , although there may have been a period when it was used as a fulling mill .
4 There may have been a grain of truth in this , and indeed the symptoms suffered by many people were real enough , but it was question-begging in the extreme to say that the states of mind induced were due to evil forces .
5 Although imperfect marketing has been cited by historians as the reason for Victor 's failure , in fact there may have been a simple operational reason .
6 Lastly I fear that because the Mathematics programmes came first and were so well organised and established , with the neat sequential task of curriculum development so easy to define ( despite its obvious size ) , there may have been a tendency to concentrate scarce resources upon an item which , on sober reflection , I believe now to be a lowish priority in the primary curriculum .
7 Or there may have been a sudden and unexpected explosion in the local mouse population , leading to a spate of hunting and killing by a pet cat that normally feeds only at home .
8 There may have been a body of people , in medieval or even later times , who , either quite consciously or otherwise , planted clumps or individual trees in the ‘ right ’ spots .
9 Poachers could have been there before you and creamed off some of the rabbits , or there may have been a more innocent intrusion by a courting couple on the site .
10 Although there may have been a trade in illicit cattle across the border between the Dutch and Kandyan territories in the eighteenth century , the large-scale networks were probably a product of the early and middle nineteenth century , made possible by the increased demand for cattle for transportation and meat .
11 There may have been a backlight problem ( see page 25 ) .
12 Thus one starts with an indication that more than one person may be affected by the problem , and that there may have been a crisis or trigger-event leading to a referral for assistance at this point .
13 There may have been a breakdown in communication ; the taxi for day care did not call , the officer in charge was abrupt , the meal unsuitable ; these are matters not hard to put right , but unless sorted out quickly , enough to put off an elderly person perhaps reluctant to face a change of routine or the challenge of meeting new people .
14 First , there may have been a continuation of the thick-enamelled trend independently of the pongine radiation , such as is seen in Graecopithecus for instance .
15 The second alternative is that there may have been a continuation of the dryopithecin radiation .
16 But there may have been a broader strategic plan behind the expedition .
17 Here there may have been a connection between the temporary weakening of ducal control over minting , in the troubles following Richard II 's death , and the production of a currency useful for traders .
18 Therefore it was supposed that payments practices , and other institutional arrangements which change only slowly over time , have more influence on the velocity of circulation than any temporary changes in M. Before the First World War there may have been a good deal of truth in this assumption because the financial system was relatively unsophisticated and financial innovation was taking place very slowly by today 's standards .
19 There may have been a formal recognition of Christianity by the leaders of some Serbian tribes as early as the seventh century , but the real beginnings of Christianity in this area date from the last decades of the ninth century and are associated with the ‘ Apostles of the Slavs ’ , the brothers Constantine-Cyril ( Kiril ) and Methodius ( Metodije ) .
20 Although there may have been a settlement of Illyrian-Greeks there before the second century BC when the Roman occupation of Dalmatia began , there is little evidence of continuous use of the site until the seventh century AD .
21 Er I think there may have been a mid mistake made today and I hope that this is investigated fully .
22 Originally there may have been a third piece joined to these to conceal the opening .
23 There may have been a more sinister side to this friendly relationship with the justices of the Jews .
24 There may have been a wheel on this site since the 18th Century when the Macclesfield Company put down a shallow shaft — Bonsor West Shaft — at the north-westerly extremity of the old 17th Century open works .
25 The third is the possibility , suggested also by Katib Celebi 's account of the office and supported to some degree by several contemporary documents , that there may have been a separate official muftilik of Edirne during the period : unfortunately , so shadowy is the evidence for its existence that as matters now stand it merely adds to the confusion , though could the facts about it be discovered , they might go some way toward resolving some of the problems in this vexed period .
26 Katib Celebi 's assertion that Abdulkerim was Mufti in Edirne , however , adds yet another unknown to an already difficult set of equations since it suggests the possibility that there may have been a separate official muftilik in Edirne ( and perhaps by extension in Bursa ) concurrently with the Muftilik of Istanbul — this would run contrary to the underlying assumption of the traditional view that the Mufti was the Mufti of the capital , successively Bursa , Edirne and Istanbul some of the holders of which may have become , with the passage of time , confused with the holders of the Muftilik of Istanbul .
27 If the Policyholder had been aware of the faulty roof for some time and had taken no action to prevent damage to the home , there may have been a breach of the reasonable care condition .
28 I shall not mention Lyndon B. Johnson 's maxim about tents — but there may have been a slight hint of that in the right hon. Lady 's strategic thinking .
29 While I accept that there may have been a little less temporary employment available during this summer than in previous years , there is no doubt that many students still found temporary jobs in the long vacation .
30 When these cyclosporin specific side effects occurred , there may have been a tendency for the study drug to be disclosed .
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