Example sentences of "he just stand " in BNC.

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1 'E just stood there , all miserable , drinking tap water from a plastic cup .
2 'E just stood there , all miserable , drinking tap water from a plastic cup .
3 But he just stood still and gazed at some withered autumn flowers .
4 He just stood there , right at the front with the curtains at his back , staring into the auditorium .
5 Here was his dog about to kill a lamb and he just stood there doing nothing .
6 He just stood there and the lights changed again .
7 He just stood there in a cloud of smoke , ’ recalls one of the people first through the door after him , ‘ while they effed and blinded at him and told him what they thought of what had been going on in the hall .
8 He just stood there and listened .
9 He just stood and looked at her .
10 ‘ He was never promoted , he just stood still . ’
11 He just stood looking down at her for a moment , his eyes still pleading , and then abruptly he turned and picked up the tray and carried it into the kitchen for her .
12 He just stood up , said , ‘ With that , I bid you goodnight , ’ waved his arms and left .
13 ‘ And he just stood there , ’ Emlyn concluded , ‘ looking so desperate that I gave us both an enormous gin and tonic ! ’
14 But he just stood there , trying to say something .
15 For a moment her father said nothing more either he just stood with his hands clasped behind him , looking up at the ceiling .
16 He just stood there looking out , his large leathery hands clasped tight behind his back , while Ellie wondered what on earth it could have been that Madame Gautier had said to him .
17 On this occasion , he did agree to make a speech on stage after the performance , although at first Sherek " thought he was not going to say anything at all , because he just stood there trying to see his wife 's face in the audience " .
18 So when I stumbled against him and threw my arms round his neck he just stood there , unmoving except for a slight step backwards to keep his balance — though I thought I felt his hands touch my waist for just an instant as if they had made an automatic move to hold me which he had cancelled .
19 When he came in he just stood there looking gawky and then at once , seeing him without a hat on , I knew who he was .
20 And he did n't smile , he just stood watching me .
21 He just stood there . ’
22 He just stood there , and I came out and he did n't move .
23 Having greeted us , he just stood there , gazing at us totally without curiosity or any sign of interest .
24 He just stood there , a moment of shocked surprise as we got out of the Toyota .
25 When she finally managed it he just stood there in the darkness and glared at her .
26 He just stood there and looked at her and Maggie held his gaze for a moment before inviting him in .
27 John must have been so angry , I know that now , he 's still angry , John did n't shout at Dad or anything , or throw a tantrum , he just stood there and looked at Dad and realized the other boys would call him a liar and what could he do ? ’
28 He just stood in the sunshine , transfixed .
29 He just stood there , staring past me , his arm flung out in front of him and his attention fixed on what had to be the assistant manager of the National Westminster Bank , Mitcham .
30 Before entering he just stood there giving his eyes a chance .
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