Example sentences of "he had allowed " in BNC.

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1 Before the massacre , he had allowed Hong Kong 's sympathies for the Peking protests to flow freely , judging that demonstrations could and should be allowed to proceed without police interference .
2 Now , suddenly , he had an uneasy feeling that he had allowed himself to go a little ‘ over the top ’ .
3 If he had allowed her to take him back to London , he might have been stuck for life with a woman in her thirties ( and getting older by the day ) .
4 He could not imagine now , in this brilliant daylight , how he had allowed himself to be so weak .
5 He laughs , and clings to the notion that Ishmael is the child of the promise ( a child whom he had allowed when still unborn to be driven into the wilderness to die ! ) .
6 The learned abbot , Lupus of Ferrières , consoling the layman Einhard on the death of his wife , pointed out that God had allowed Absalom to be killed despite the prayers of David ; and Agobard , archbishop of Lyon , writing against superstition , asked Louis the Pious what use it was to suppose that God would always show up the just in judicial ordeals , when he had allowed Josiah to perish in battle against the Egyptians .
7 Either the Führer 's statement , the report went on , meant that he had allowed himself to be badly deceived and was not , therefore , the genius he was always alleged to be ; or he had intentionally lied to the people about rising war production , knowing all the time that saboteurs were at work .
8 He had allowed himself to be carried away .
9 In one brief moment of weakness he had allowed the mask to slip .
10 He would make an annual report to parliament giving the number of exemptions to the basic ‘ pain condition ’ which he had allowed in the year .
11 While Dick Piper was hard pushed to find the five shillings he had borrowed from Harry Pierpoint , the father of the princess who was to become Queen Mary was jibbing at paying tradesmen 's bills which he had allowed to grow to around £20,000 .
12 ‘ In the post-war years ’ , wrote Randolph 's son , ‘ Randolph remained for ever in debt because of his determination to live in the grand style to which he had allowed himself to become accustomed . ’
13 Ginny wished that he had allowed her to take off her coat before he started .
14 No doubt Craig was ashamed to face her , he had allowed her father to be duped into losing everything and now Craig would benefit from Emily 's misfortune .
15 Ten years after Anselm 's death , when the tide of criticism was running strongly against Anselm at Canterbury for his failure to obtain a secure basis for the primatial claims , Eadmer thought it his best praise that he had allowed the monks to manage their own affairs .
16 He had allowed himself to hope .
17 The Collector had shown such enthusiasm for its hollow wonders that he himself had been tempted and misled ; he had allowed his own small stirrings of doubt , which he recognized now to have been stirrings of conscience , to be smothered .
18 he was whistling tunelessly , annoyed that he had allowed his mother to so unnerve him .
19 Although the sentencer did not expressly mention section 53(2) , it was clear that he had allowed a substantial discount for the pleas of guilty .
20 and Kaplan J. ) [ 1991 ] 2 H.K.L.R. 215 given on 15 March 1991 allowing an appeal by the taxpayer , HK-TVB International Ltd. , from the order of Godfrey J. made on 9 April 1990 in the High Court whereby he had allowed an appeal by the commissioner by way of case stated from the decision of the Board of Review that the relevant profits for the years of assessment 1980–81 to 1983–84 inclusive did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
21 Conversation with Alexei had been limited for the past day to standard matters of duty , and since he had not been able to think of anything which he could say to change his son 's attitude , he had allowed himself to accept that the state of affairs which existed between them was likely to be permanent .
22 Sorge was annoyed with himself , irritated that he had allowed the Intelligence man to get under his skin .
23 And it had not escaped her notice that he had allowed the words , ‘ since you wo n't tell me ’ to pass unchallenged .
24 Although Keating , as Treasurer , was responsible for much of the current economic position — it was widely accepted that in 1987 he had allowed the economy to overheat , and had been forced to use high interest rates to cool it , thereby exacerbating the impact of the world recession — he was also widely perceived as the only Cabinet member with the experience and stature to provide an alternative to the leadership of Hawke .
25 In the RPF years he had allowed himself to get ahead of events .
26 The first time because he had allowed himself to be called away in the middle of things and had n't been able to supervise the men properly .
27 Whether or not he was right in thinking that he had allowed his music to be led by and all but overwhelmed by Auden 's words Paul Bunyan marked the end of his close collaboration with Auden .
28 In his innocence he had allowed the salesman in to discuss doors .
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