Example sentences of "he sees [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 The myth that a man makes has transformations according as he sees himself as hero or villain , as young or old , but it is essentially the same myth ; Tom Jones is not the same person , but he is the same myth as Squire Western ; Midshipman Easy is part of the same myth ; Falstaff is elevated above the myth to dwell on Olympus , more than a national character .
2 He sees himself as the man to even out inequalities and re-impose Buddhist order .
3 He came to political maturity when the world was wrecked ; he sees himself as a man who can put back together what others have broken .
4 As Mr Khalil points out , the arch is both a literal image of Mr Hussein ( those are his arms and no one else 's ) , and a giant reflection of how he sees himself .
5 He identifies himself with the prophets of the Old Testament in addressing contemporary life , and echoes St Paul when he sees himself keeping the streams of doctrine pure : ‘ For I am inquisitive in the Lord , and defend the philosophy of the scripture against vain deceit ’ ( A130 ) .
6 At the very least he sees himself as descended from Agricola , steward of England , and as Christ 's deputy , when he says in B137 :
7 ‘ The humble man , ’ as Iris Murdoch winningly remarked in The Sovereignty of Good ( 1970 ) , ‘ because he sees himself as nothing , can see other things as they are ’ , which sounds like a snug , confident view of humility , far removed from the self-lacerating anxieties about identity and self-image that mark out much of American fiction , or the radical scepticisms of Sartre and his disciples in post-war Paris .
8 He sees himself more as a poet , his mind receptive to many ideas and influences , some visual , some musical , some literary , which he amalgamates into his work in a similar way to Proust writing A La Research du Temps Perdu .
9 Nothing is as it seems , he maintains : he never really saw himself as the prototype Cockney photographer from Blow Up ; he sees himself more as Puck from A Midsummer Night 's Dream .
10 He sees himself as having an intuitive , feminine aspect .
11 Peter Lovesey , whose Victorian police procedural novels featuring Sergeant Cribb are fine examples of this branch of the art , has summed it up neatly in saying that he sees himself writing books that are " a counterpoise of teacups and terror " .
12 He sees himself crossing the road — deftly , like a native , knowing exactly which way to look for the traffic .
13 He sees himself more as your friend than your doctor , ’ explained Beuno .
14 He sees himself as the successor both to the Assyrian and Babylonian monarchies , conquerors of the Middle East , and to Saladin , who became leader of a vast Syro-Palestino-Egyptian Empire , and gained a prodigious reputation for avenging Islam when he recaptured Jerusalem from the Frankish crusaders in 1187 .
15 When asked if he sees himself as a business man or a sailor , he replies without demur that he is ‘ a businessman ’ , but he also professes , a touch pugnaciously , to being ‘ a socialist ’ and believes that opportunities for the ordinary person to take part in ocean racing have become even fewer since large scale sponsorship .
16 We prefer to see him as we think he sees himself : a pragmatist . ’
17 He sees himself as a protector .
18 All day he sees himself in the glass darkly
19 When asked to sum up how he sees himself as a manager , Miller replies : ‘ As a player , maybe I was n't the best .
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