Example sentences of "he closed [art] " in BNC.

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1 She watched as he closed a lid .
2 It would n't be long before he closed a deal with one or other of the chain stores who had shown an interest in the site .
3 Moran stood holding the edge of the door until the headlights disappeared and he closed the door without shutting the iron gate at the road or the small wooden gate leaning against the boxwood .
4 He closed the door softly behind him and was gone without another word .
5 When he closed the account , he transferred this to another account and used it to pay chambers ' expenses .
6 Subsequently the scientists had advised the local environmental health officer of the dangers and he closed the water .
7 He closed the door behind him and walked slowly down the corridor until he reached the top of the marble staircase , passing his own office and Pat Muldoon 's without wishing to take a last look .
8 He closed the door again with a soft click , shutting out the room 's light and plunging the hallway back into blackness .
9 When he could smell her perfume and hear the soft rustle of her skirt , he closed the door fully and held his breath .
10 There was a soft ‘ plop ’ and the blue light welled out of the mantle as he closed the door , deftly trapping the light inside .
11 In final preparation for the storm , he closed the cockpit drains .
12 He closed the doors again and stood watching Mariana from the companionway .
13 He did , smirking as he closed the drawer again .
14 Oh , God , he thought as he closed the kitchen door behind him .
15 He closed the smithy door .
16 ‘ See you later , I hope , ’ he said unctuously to Robyn , as he closed the door .
17 He closed the window , drew the curtain back across it , glanced round the room .
18 Evans watched him leave , noted how silently he closed the door behind him .
19 He closed the door and went back to the desk , sat down , dialled the number from memory .
20 He closed the book , replaced it in the cookery section of the open shelves , and walked briskly to the car .
21 Even as he closed the door behind him , the thallium was on its way down through Donald 's oesophagus , slithering towards his stomach and digestive tract , where his body chemicals would turn it into a disease Donald would have difficulty in recognizing .
22 He closed the door and locked it .
23 Father Poole sighed as he closed the door .
24 Kinane looked round as he closed the henhouse door behind him , bolting it twice .
25 He closed the book and slipped it into a polythene bag .
26 Then he closed the white file in front of him with a snap .
27 Now he closed the stiff cover of his folder in which his PA had meticulously tagged all the papers and cross-references , and said dismissively : ‘ Any other business . ‘
28 Now , as if suddenly aware of the morning chill , he closed the top half of the door , drove home the bolt , then came and stretched himself out in the armchair opposite her .
29 He closed the gate and they set off back down the dirt track towards the cottage .
30 He wrapped his mackintosh carefully round the small sketch-pad and fled down the pathway to the church , arriving in the nick of time , for as he closed the heavy arched door behind him , a slow drizzle of rain swept across the village and surrounding fields .
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