Example sentences of "he called the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ An 'e called the police ? ’
2 In 1971 he was asked to organise , at the Tate Gallery , an exhibition which he called The Essential Cubism .
3 Fifty-five years later , Hans Berger , a psychiatrist working in Jena , reported similar fluctuations in humans and discovered that , in a resting subject , this electroencephalogram ( EEG ) oscillated at a regular eight cycles a second , a pattern he called the alpha rhythm .
4 He called the existing policy-making system as one ‘ designed for the 1920s which is wilting under the television lights of the 1980s ’ .
5 Then he told me about chaology , which he called the new buzz thing .
6 He called The Sacred Dance ‘ an excellent study of primitive religious dances ’ , and read how these were performed round sacred trees , but also ‘ how often with the decay of old faiths the serious rites and pageants … have degenerated into the sports of children ’ .
7 He called the selection of the Interim Council of the PICAO a ‘ travesty ’ .
8 He called the roll .
9 Picking up the radio handset , he called the exercise to a halt .
10 The Prime Minister , Mr Rajiv Gandhi , was advised when he called the elections that his Congress Party was likely to win some 70 seats in the south .
11 Two thousand years ago , the biblical farmer was tormented by tares and Virgil was denouncing what he called the lazy thistle .
12 With his tie awry , an alert pair of eyes sparkling behind gold-rimmed spectacles , he impressed the party by coming to the point rather than indulging in what he called the prefabricated speeches he had always hated .
13 He called the Nobel decision ‘ gross interference in China 's internal affairs ’ .
14 Geoff Mulcahy , Kingfisher chief executive , detailing the Woolworth , Comet and B&Q group 's £460million offer , said Dixons faced a ‘ bleak future ’ in its present form and he called the 120p a share he is bidding ‘ very serious for a business in serious decline . ’
15 No sooner had James Watkins released what he called the ‘ first edition ’ of his national energy strategy ( NES ) on February 20th than the verdicts were delivered — in nice sound bites .
16 He called the speech that upset George Bush ‘ an appeal from a Hashemite Arab to all honest Arab and Muslim leaders ’ .
17 But he called the next one , too .
18 He was slightly anti-semitic , so he called the girls , who were from an exclusive private school , ‘ little Jewish princesses ’ behind their backs .
19 One of the field commanders , Edgar Chamorro , continually nagged by Fernandez to get into Nicaragua and fight , at last decided to venture 30 metres inside to attack a border post ; heavy fire drove him back and , retreating to a pay phone , he called the CIA in Langley , Virginia and asked them to send mortars .
20 He called the heron a ‘ crane ’ , for real cranes , sacred birds to the Celts , have long been extinct in Ireland .
21 Again , as early as 1969 , it was Glenn Gould who , having seen some of the early Karajan/ Clouzot films of orchestral and choral music , rejoiced at their imaginative refutation of what he called the ‘ proscenium psychology ’ .
22 Dr Armstrong Davison , captivated by the legend like so many others , began on the prosecution side , convinced by what he called the ‘ orthodox belief that Mary was a wanton and a murderess ’ .
23 Hunt 's main claim to fame these days is his two-year term in prison for a particularly nasty libel — he called the Prince Regent ‘ a fat Adonis of 50 ’ .
24 When he called the 1974 general election , Mr Powell felt he could not support his party .
25 When the botanical writer John Worlidge described it in 1676 , he called the fruit ananas , a Brazilian dialect word , but went on to call it a ‘ fruit like a pineapple but much bigger ’ .
26 He called the election behind in the polls and kept his nerve despite some polls last week suggesting Labour had a seven-point lead .
27 He called the show ‘ a British tourist 's view ’ of black American music .
28 In the Wallowa valley , Old Joseph tore in two the piece of paper he called the Thief Treaty .
29 Chairman Mao , the very dominant Communist leader of China , was so annoyed at Khrushchev , particularly over his co-operation with the U.S.A. over the setting up of the hot-line , that he called the U.S.S.R.
30 He called the other teachers in the room and they ran after Mould as he bounced higher and higher .
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