Example sentences of "he round [art] " in BNC.

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1 He struggled and roared out , ‘ I see you , James Menzies , I charge you with sedition , ’ and the Duke roared back , ‘ We charge you with tyranny , trail him round the house , lads , show his servants who is the master now . ’
2 I tell you , one night , if we knew he was coming , we would wait for him round the back and pitch him down the falls ! ’
3 Dick and the nurses told him that , even after the pre-med , they had to chase him round the ward to get him to remove his shorts .
4 Angela was doing a very good job there , taking him round the MPs he had to talk to . ’
5 There was something in her voice that reminded Tug that she was the one who had beaten him round the face .
6 I flew at him ripping all the buttons off his shirt in one go , tore it off his back in two pieces , grabbed hold of his string vest and dragged him round the kitchen like a sack of potatoes .
7 Then , at 1.30 , walk him round the village .
8 The Guardian reporter praised their ‘ soft man/hard man routine : Nields offers the witness a comfortable chair and a cigarette , Liman slaps him round the face and kicks the chair out from underneath him . ’
9 We would alert Australia … look for him round the world .
10 A scrawny nationalist in tattered jeans tried to grill him on independence for the benefit of the cameras and a woman in Capaldi 's fish caravan threatened to slap him round the face with one of her fish if he broke any election promises .
11 Through his friendship Soutine was introduced to other young artists and saw them work in their studios and Modigliani guided him round the Louvre , pointing out the Italian painters he admired , the primitives and Giotto , Botticelli and Tintoretto .
12 Damiani senior maintained a chauffeur to take him round the family olive groves .
13 He plunged for the side , but with three swift strokes Nails caught up with him and collared him round the neck .
14 So he walked him round the beat until the sergeant found him .
15 Instead of walking him round the beat , he should have taken him straight to the police station .
16 I knotted my fingers together to stop me grabbing him round the throat .
17 For weeks now she 'd been recognizing him , her eyes following him round the room , and she tried to pull herself up in the cradle to see him better .
18 This time Midnight moved aside and grasping him round the back of the neck as he passed , flung him headlong into the gathering crowd .
19 His talk made me think of the housing estates near Mum 's house , where the ‘ working class ’ would have laughed in Terry 's face — those , that is , who would n't have smacked him round the ear for calling them working class in the first place .
20 A waitress picked him up and took him round the restaurant .
21 I watched him round the end of the point , and out of sight , then ran for the causeway .
22 She 'd invited him round the previous evening and things had n't gone at all as he 'd hoped .
23 However , nobody seemed anxious to chair him round the hall , or anywhere .
24 Hurriedly she took a fresh grip on Adam and pulled him round the side of a broken column , out of sight .
25 It was partly because he got a weird buzz out of scaring himself half to death , and partly because he felt it was a kind of exorcism , to convince him he had control over his fears — and the horrors that were waiting for him round the corner of sleep .
26 Sometimes he fell in a landslide on Finn , clouting him round the head over the dinner table when Finn 's insouciant insolence went too far .
27 I swam hard and caught up with him round the corner of the old castle .
28 Or how they had inflicted cuts with a small sharp knife , then sprinkled salt into the wounds and kicked him round the room so he had to twist sharply and feel the pain of the salt crystals in the raw open flesh .
29 Carrying their scene-of-crime cases , Dalgliesh and Massingham followed him round the side of the house .
30 ‘ You knew him round the halls , did n't you ? ’
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