Example sentences of "he felt the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And , ’ said Henry as lightly as he felt the conversation warranted .
2 Angus Cameron stood up on the oak stump which Donald used as a chopping-block , held out his hand to each part of the crowd as though drawing them into the circuit of the ceremony , and said , at first quietly , then gaining volume as he felt the truth of his words : ‘ Alexander McLaggan , Mary Stewart — you love each other , and must wed each other , and that is right and good .
3 He felt the condom tear inside her .
4 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
5 He felt the change to be rather like ‘ the shedding of an adolescent enthusiasm , .
6 But he told the bishop at a private interview that he was depressed about preaching , he felt the people to be so remote from the practice of religion .
7 He felt the teacher 's rostrum to be his fit place ; the place where he knew that what he had to offer was valued .
8 it was for men that he felt the hot , flushing , roused attraction which a man is supposed to feel for the other sex … the male physique had a fascination for him , and for the female physique he felt only a fondness …
9 It meant he could go and talk to the governor of the Bank of England and the chairmen of any of the clearing banks whenever he felt the need .
10 He felt the contact was so invaluable that he was prepared to turn down the job at the head of one of the UK 's premier blue-chip companies if it meant making such a sacrifice .
11 Sister Cooney opened the French windows and he felt the air sweet on his face .
12 Avinash Chandra 's canvases reveal that , even while he was still in India , he felt the attraction of Soutine and Van Gogh .
13 Given that Chinese elections have no element of uncertainty and that Mr Deng had not appeared in public for almost six months , perhaps he felt the reformers on the Central Committee were in urgent need of help .
14 He felt the key in his pocket .
15 He felt the whole thing was turning into a game in which each watched the other and paralleled their next move .
16 He was working as a trainee film editor with Ulster Television in Belfast and , like most young men , pursuing an active life of sin when he felt the Lord speaking to him .
17 From Rozanov 's expression it was clear he felt the same .
18 ‘ I mean — ’ Biff 's tongue was loosening now that he felt the pleasant glow of heat at the back of his skull .
19 Then , he felt the world shift on its axis , and knew that a new reality had slotted into its place .
20 He felt the links pressing into his palm .
21 Here he obviously considered the pharmaceutical value of this plant important enough to include an illustration , and he felt the economic significance of Rubia tinctorum , madder , warranted an engraving by John Sebastian Miller , from Hortus Cliffortianus .
22 Seeing his friend cowering in the corner of his cage at the mercy of the teachers , he felt the tears swell up in his eyes .
23 He felt the tug of the tow rope .
24 He felt the wind of it and the cold .
25 He felt the gravel shelve up under his feet and staggered free of the water .
26 Even two years later , at the 1980 Annual General Meeting , the President said he felt the Constitution to be ‘ ideal for its needs ’ .
27 Even before he was fully awake he felt the oppression of unpleasant memory , the threat of worse to come , although he could n't remember exactly what it was that he remembered .
28 He felt the wreck of his face with delicate fingertips , and refused to leave the room .
29 Often at this time of day , when he felt the day 's journey should be ending or reaching a destination , but knowing that it was not , knowing that what he was looking for probably happened after everybody else had gone home , he wished that he could end his days walking at the edge of a sea or a lake so big that you could n't see its other shore .
30 O stared , he did n't know for how long , at him and his outstretched hand , wondering whether to gasp it , fill it with change , or knock it away ; and then he looked up , because he heard his train coming and also because he felt the hot wind on his face .
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