Example sentences of "he all the " in BNC.

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1 Probably the most important effect of his reading of Joyce was to make him all the more aware of the possibilities of his anthropological reading , especially when applied to modern city life in the context of inanity or death : city life was filled with fatal torpor and Eliot described London as shrivelling , like an aged little bookkeeper .
2 The Tehran trip in May , in which he was humiliated , made him all the more certain that however good the ends , ‘ this was not the kind of exchange that was proper . ’
3 They 'll love him all the more .
4 He was an ex-miner , and this endeared him all the more to Chapman , who , being familiar with mining , knew and admired the strength and fighting qualities which life down the pit bred in a man .
5 It made him all the more determined to do something .
6 In her heart , Beth sensed that he knew the way of things , and this only made him all the more determined to have a son of his own .
7 She raised her head , hoping he might realise how tired she was ; her dark eyes were looking into his , exciting him all the more .
8 This contrast may , of course , reflect to some degree the personal inclinations of the authors : it has been suggested in the previous chapter , for example , that Taskopruzade 's interests tended to the antiquarian , which would make him all the more likely to emphasize the old virtues of piety and learning .
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