Example sentences of "he believe [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hodge and those around him believed Syngman Rhee should be encouraged and believed he could be controlled ; they were later to regret having aided Rhee 's ambitions to the extent that they had done when they found themselves exposed to Rhee 's mordant censure .
2 ‘ You let him believe Oliver and I were moving into his territory ? ’
3 So for Rabbit to believe that P is true is just for him to believe P , i.e. to believe that there 's honey .
4 Lucien told them that he believed Jeopardy to be a shallow individual , an offence to the art of Vibrancy .
5 Prof Lewis Spitz , who headed the 25-strong team of specialists during the operation , said he believed Catherine had simply been unable to live without her sister .
6 He believed Martinho OK .
7 He claimed that he had not acted illegally , nor authorized others to do so , but also stated that he believed Poindexter to be innocent of the charges against him .
8 When it came to fisticuffs Sean Connery was happy to mix it with the best of them — ‘ He believed stuntmen were there to take the knocks and let them have it in the fight scenes , ’ said one .
9 The contradiction was direct and on the whole he believed Andrus to be an honest man .
10 While he did not exactly oppose this suggestion , he added , somewhat enigmatically , that he believed Liza 's trouble was due to circumstances quite beyond her control and that she needed the help not so much of a specialist but a sympathetic friend personally acquainted with her predicament .
11 He believed Dene House was among those to close because of its potential high sale value rather than a lack of residents .
12 He believed jungles were somewhere you went for revelation .
13 At the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1900 Hilbert presented his famous list of 23 problems to which he believed mathematicians should address themselves .
14 Asked whether he believed Scotland would adopt a more attacking approach than England , he countered : ‘ Certainly , in the sense of developing quicker ball .
15 However , he believed Alan Murray had ‘ stupidly ’ become involved ‘ very much on the fringe ’ .
16 Mr Bergg said he did not want to see law breaking but he believed home owners should use the system to insist on fair valuations which had not been rushed through by estate agents .
17 Former Greater Manchester deputy chief constable John Stalker said he believed Warrington was chosen as a target because it was the scene of an attack a few weeks ago which resulted in arrests .
18 He believed Britain could absorb a ‘ significant influx ’ although he dismissed as nonsense the suggestion that all would want to come .
19 Churchill 's support for détente may seem odd in view of his earlier criticisms of the ‘ iron curtain' , but Churchill was concerned at the dangers of global war ( especially after the explosion of hydrogen bombs by America and Russia in 1952 and 1953 ) ; he had hopes of establishing a reputation as a peacemaker , to match his reputation as a war leader ; and he believed Britain could play a major role as the arbiter between Moscow and Washington .
20 He believed Orkney Islands Council found him an annoyance .
21 He believed attempts should be made to draw together people with a wide range of experience including local government officials covering finance and other areas , academics , the Scottish Office and possibly other interests .
22 He believed Mortimer Cropper thought himself the lord and owner of Ash , but he , Blackadder , knew his place better .
23 So William erm on Thursday night erm he said on B B C's Question Time erm which was given over to crime and punishment issues which had not been debated and erm William said he 'd a come to the conclusion now that he believed drug taking should be made legal .
24 Coun Chris Foote Wood said he believed officers working for local authorities with local knowledge should continue to inspect red meat and poultry and the hygiene of premises in which animals are slaughtered .
25 This was impossible , Engels tells us , so long as descent was reckoned in the female line , because he believed inheritance and group membership always went hand in hand .
26 He believed education should fit man for society , as well as equipping him with learning , hence he pressed not only for lessons in drawing , but also in French .
27 This , for example , is why he believed Hobbes ( and himself ) to be an authoritarian but not an absolutist .
28 So many allegations of political interference did those restructuring plans prompt that the then Arts Minister , Richard Luce , felt it necessary to reassure the Commons ( 27 February , 1989 ) that although he supported the aims of the proposed restructuring , he believed responsibility for management of National Museums should be delegated to chairmen and directors .
29 Oxfordshire coroner Nicholas Gardiner recorded a verdict of suicide , saying he believed Tracey , from Exeter , Devon , intended to kill herself .
30 He believed Buckingham 's search for the relics masked some subtle treason , and so the Agentes were alerted .
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