Example sentences of "have [be] rising " in BNC.

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1 This is some four times faster than the 1mm per year or so at which global sea level has been rising this century .
2 While the weight of the waste we all throw away has been going down slightly over the last twenty years , ( because things like glass , plastic bottles and cans have become thinner ) , the volume of waste has been rising .
3 Within the major firms this stock has been rising in some cases at over 20% per annum , and has proved to be a very good investment in spite of not being on the market .
4 The number of people who have this asset to bequeath has been rising .
5 From about the middle of the twentieth century onwards , the number of elderly people in the population has been rising , and it will continue to rise until the end of the century .
6 The total number of books published in the UK has been rising relentlessly for over 10 years , but 1993 should herald a change in strategy from major publishers : Random House , HarperCollins and Reed Consumer Books are among companies to have announced that they are substantially reducing the number of titles that they will be publishing in 1993 .
7 However , in many of the developed countries in which age at entrance into legal marriage has been rising , later marriage has been counterbalanced by a tendency for increasing proportions of women to establish consensual unions , and at increasingly earlier ages .
8 This is what the evidence suggests since , while the tempo of mergers and acquisitions ( both domestic and cross-border ) has been rising rapidly , it is also apparent that some industries have been engaged in divesting themselves of activities which are peripheral or difficult to manage in order to concentrate on areas of strength .
9 Unemployment has been rising in the United States , Italy , France and Canada , and in every country of the European Community .
10 I hope that the hon. Gentleman is aware of the fact that unemployment has been rising in most European Community countries and that it is higher than it was a year ago in every EFTA and G7 country .
11 The hon. Gentleman might like to know that last year saw record levels of exports from this country and that our share of manufactured exports in world trade has been rising since 1984 .
12 Martinez , another Spaniard , has been rising steadily for years and seems to be reaching her peak after a great three-set victory over Sabatini in the Rome final this month .
13 The percentage of whisky sold has been decreasing as the sale of vodkas and light rums has been rising .
14 The average size of transactions , it was noted above , has been rising over time and now amounts to about £1 million for transactions with customers and about £4 million for intra-market business .
15 During the past eight years the use of natural gas has been rising , but wind and solar power have also been increasing dramatically .
16 Mr Lamont said : ‘ The key to an improved trade performance lies in the competitiveness of our products — and the signs are encouraging : earnings are now growing more slowly than at any time for 25 years ; labour productivity has been rising rapidly , and while unit wage costs in manufacturing have been rising in Japan and Germany , here they showed no increase at all during 1992 .
17 First , they have argued that the gradual increase in peasant investment and in levels of consumption both of food and consumer goods in the countryside suggests that , abjectly poor though many were , on average peasant living standards may have been rising rather than falling in the decades immediately prior to the revolution of 1905 .
18 Non-oil imports had been rising steadily throughout 1987 and 1988 .
19 Indeed , it had been rising much faster than the cost of living for a number of years .
20 Though many commentators drew attention to the job-displacing tendencies of microelectronics technology it is likely that the reason their gloomy forecasts were paid so much attention was because unemployment had been rising fairly fast in most industrialised countries following the two oil price hikes in the 1970s and the consequent world economic recession .
21 Stamford was killed : in the 1850s its population , which until then had been rising steadily , actually began to fall .
22 In Britain shares had been rising , more or less , since 1975 , and particularly strongly since 1984 .
23 His voice was quiet , not like her own , which had been rising with every syllable , but he was angry all the same , she could feel it , even down the miles of telephone cable that separated them .
24 You kindly said that you would call hon. Members next week who had been rising .
25 He said that credit costs had been rising partly as a reaction to global inflationary fears , but that the current high interest rates were necessary and appropriate and were a way of keeping inflation in check .
26 The IDB president , Enrique Iglesias of Uruguay , had said on April 4 that although Japanese investment had been rising in Chile , Mexico , Brazil and Venezuela , " we see potential for much more " .
27 Levels of nitrates in tap water had been rising slowly over the past decade , most of it leaching into groundwater from farmers fields , where it 's used as a fertilizer .
28 During the second half of the 1960s , GNP had been rising at about 3 per cent a year in Britain .
29 Saab similarly sells relatively few cars in the US , though its numbers have been rising dramatically .
30 In the 1980s , aggregate Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) has been roughly static , and per capita GDP has been falling at a time when net aid flows have been rising .
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