Example sentences of "in answer to " in BNC.

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1 What can I say in answer to this charge of irrelevance ?
2 Electors are always prepared to criticise the Government in answer to pollsters ' questions , but when the same individuals arrive at the polling booth they simply can not bring themselves to vote Labour into power .
3 In answer to my question as to the source of his income he replied : ‘ I have been extremely fortunate .
4 Officials merely provide factual material , as they would in answer to similar questions from an MP , drawing attention to any technical assumptions that have been made . ’
6 Phrases such as ‘ TINA ’ ( ‘ there is no alternative ’ ) in answer to critics of her economic policy , and ‘ We want our money ’ ( ‘ I can not play Sister Bountiful to the Community ’ ) to her EEC partners over the perennial problem of Britain 's budget payments , sum up the spirit of what she feels and argues .
7 No — ’ in answer to Herr Nordern 's promptings — ‘ I 'm truly sorry but I ca n't join you today .
8 For them , stars were a living silver , bursting into flame in answer to an eternal music in the mind of God .
9 I wonder what you will say in answer to this letter ; I shall await your reply with some anxiety , for if our letters go into the waste paper basket we shall be unable to continue our many services for the benefit of those who are blind .
10 The employers on Friday increased their offer of 7.6 per cent and one extra day 's holiday , in answer to a 10 per cent demand with two extra days now .
11 In answer to ‘ obscure and spurious questions such as whether universals may exist by themselves , whether they are only in the mind , whether they exist separate from things or only with them ’ , he says that these ‘ great universals are nothing more than … common nouns … that can be applied to more than one object ’ .
12 The writs , i.e. the King 's commands that a person shall appear in one of the King 's Courts in answer to a claim , are issued in his name , as they still are today , and are issued from his office .
13 In answer to one such question , he replied that he was pleased to say that he was now being given full support by the unions which drew the sharp retort … .
14 He would usually appear in answer to the signal within a few minutes , for each sereno has a certain section to patrol .
15 as if in answer to the prophecy I had written in Amsterdam in the Hotel Brabant after visiting the exhibition of Picasso 's Guernica , I was now in the very presence of love itself , in the form of the hero imagined there and then .
16 In answer to his pull at the doorbell a butler appeared who regretted , on Charles 's enquiry for Lord Southdown , that His Lordship was out .
17 Charles explained that he 'd come round in answer to a complaint and rather thankfully began to pass on apologies on behalf of the Regiment for transmission to Lord Southdown later , but the butler shook his head regretfully once more , indicated that Lady Charity was at home , and felt certain that she would deal with the matter .
18 What do you say in answer to a proposition like that ?
19 At other times he would come running in answer to her call to find her seated before the stove with her legs stretched out to the fire and her face softened by smiles .
20 It was crucial to the development of the plot to have a character — in this case balding , in a mackintosh — who would defend the prerogatives of Congress , rehearse the finer points of democracy and say , in answer to North 's ringing endorsement of the theory that the end justified the means , ‘ But that 's not what America is all about , Colonel . ’
21 SIR — In answer to Martyn Harris 's recent suggestion that the tie was a passing fashion fad , may I point out that on March 30 the tie celebrated its 106th birthday , and its popularity is as high as ever .
22 as if in answer to their prayers , the people of Zafferana Etnea were accorded a moment of respite yesterday .
23 We are concerned that at every level of government — in Europe , in Whitehall and in local authorities — some regulations may have been adopted in answer to legitimate concerns , but without proper regard to their overall impact on businesses and individuals .
24 In answer to our persistent questioning , he bravely confessed the truth we had asked for — that Leslie and his men , in spite of the fact that they were wearing uniform , might have been shot as franc-tireurs .
25 There had been , he explained in answer to questions , a great falling off in traffic .
26 And — in answer to the second question — the only reason that oxygen gas exists in such large amounts in the atmosphere today is that plants and some bacteria produce it in vast quantities through photosynthesis .
27 Yes I do , in answer to your question .
28 In answer to a prosecution question , he stated that he did hear indistinct gunfire , but had thought no more of it .
29 In answer to a question from the prosecution , Day replied that William Tidbury seemed very much on edge and in a nervous condition , which was unusual for him .
30 After I had read out the concentrated edition to my two guests , Moltke remarked : ‘ Now it has a different ring ; it sounded before like a parley ; now it is like a flourish in answer to a challenge . ’
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