Example sentences of "in the following " in BNC.

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1 Greenberg 's articles are marked by a confident authority , as in the following passage .
2 Therefore the pieces that have been put together in the following pages as possible audition selections are from writers who have gained , or are now gaining , a major place in contemporary theatre .
3 Sharon tells Carol she is making a spectacle of herself — and Carol turns on her friend in the following speech .
4 At that time , the Roman catholic archbishop of Dublin intervened in a pastoral letter in the following revealing terms :
5 In the following three years the thesis remained on my desk , unrequested by anyone else .
6 During a sojourn in Northumbria one of these ‘ academic high-flyers ’ remained implacably ‘ not one of us ’ , and I heard him summed up in the following terms :
7 Although , as I say , constructivism and the developmental view are separable , constructivism invites a developmental perspective on thinking in the following sense .
8 Perhaps it does in the following modest sense .
9 I left Aisha 's prison in the following way : one day a woman from the same village as Aisha and I came to pick up her sewing machine .
10 Two 110mph trains in each direction were introduced from May 1984 and the entire service was upgraded in the following year .
11 A full service was introduced in the following year after various problems with the new units had been resolved .
12 In the following year another cable was laid , consisting of four copper wires 1.7mm in diameter , insulated with gutta percha and tarred hemp .
13 In the following year another problem arose for the British ; the Red Sea cable to India had failed .
14 Another attempt was made in the following year between July 13 and 27 and was completely successful .
15 In the following year there were 14 cables connecting North America to Europe , 12 of which were in operation .
16 Or consider the density of trope and implication in the following : ‘ New ’ New Criticism would thus claim to respond to literature 's essential nature in which signifiers are prised utterly free of signifieds , aiming , in its no-holds-barred encounter with the text , for a coherence and validity of response , not objectivity and truth ’ ( Hawkes 's italics ) .
17 The objects of derision may be placed , in order of increasing generality , in the following list : the institutional study of English Literature in British higher education ; English Literature ; Englishness ; literature ; bourgeois society ( which includes racism and sexism ) ; late capitalism ; Western culture .
18 It is this second meaning which will be addressed in the following chapter .
19 ‘ Appearance ’ can relate to class , as in the following remarks :
20 The incident described in the following extract from the field notes , provides a good illustration of this :
21 The Association participated in the following national services and ceremonies during 1990 :
22 In the following year the Poles of 300 and 301 Squadrons bombed Berlin , as did the Russians , but it was not until 1942 that the first of the four-engined ‘ heavies ’ made the long flight to this target .
23 Please supply final film/artwork in the following format :
24 In the following year a BBC man who came to Bishopthorpe to have a brains trust in the house was shocked to discover that there was no television set in the house and told him that he was cut off from the experience of millions of his countrymen .
25 In the following six years the NCNC succeeded in attracting a good deal of support amongst the Yoruba of western Nigeria .
26 For example , when discussing the passage from matriliny to patriliny , Engels [ p. 119 ] echoes Morgan 's formulation in the following way:s ‘ Thus , on the one hand , in proportion as wealth increased ( as a result of the domestication of animals ) it made the man 's position in the family more important than the woman 's , and on the other hand created an impulse to exploit this strengthened position in order to overthrow , in favour of his children , the traditional order of inheritance .
27 In the following year she is reincarnated , but into wood , not flesh and blood : she becomes furniture , a cross between a throne and a commode , her mask-like head and rigid hand fixed to the chair back , her wig suggested by curly iron coat hooks and carved wooden scrolls and flourishes .
28 The same went for the man who complained in the following terms to a local government committee for ‘ Better Football ’ : ‘ I visited the New Stand lavatories .
29 A. Cross out the E's in the following passage .
30 These new levels invariably clash with such a feature and variations on one means of convincingly disguising what might be an unattractive junction of new and retained construction are illustrated in the following sections , which include accounts of the conversion of two conventional nineteenth-century Anglican churches .
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