Example sentences of "in [art] days " in BNC.

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1 In the days before glasnost — which his fictions may be thought to have rehearsed and predicted , but which could well mean that his fictions will no longer be for the West what they have been so far , when the thing that they deplore was still there in its entirety to be deplored — Kundera was forced into exile in the ‘ free world ’ of the time .
2 In the days when most types of beer were dark , wheat brews were seen as being relatively pale and often cloudy .
3 ( In the days of Bertrand de Born , Aquitaine of course was a province of the English crown ; Eleanor of Aquitaine , the princess whose marriage to an English King brought this about , is one of the femmes fatales of the Cantos ; and Richard Coeur de Lion , trying to make good his claim to all this part of France , was killed at Chalus — a place in this area to which the Cantos refer repeatedly in connection with the King 's death . )
4 In the days which followed , a whispering campaign against the Peking-owned Bank of China snowballed into a bank run .
5 ‘ I believe Tony used to believe that , in the days before he became … different . ’
6 I also became a university student in the days when it was axiomatic that higher education was ‘ free ’ .
7 In the days following the attempt , sources said that some of those detained also were killed .
8 Some time ago , Rover 's management declared its intention to move all its cars up-market , perhaps to produce them in smaller volumes than in the days of Austin Rover , to charge higher prices and make more profit per unit .
9 Mr Zeman was sharply attacked in the official news media in the days following the publication of his views , which he followed up with an article in the most important samizdat newspaper , Lidove Noviny .
10 The ‘ north — south divide ’ became a familiar part of popular folklore as in the days of Mrs Gaskell .
11 It marked a fresh stage in the process of the isolation of the Ulster Unionists from the British political scene — and indeed from the Conservative Party itself which had once proudly named itself ‘ Unionist ’ in the days of Balfour and Bonar Law .
12 England was no longer in the days of Lloyd George or Palmerston .
13 This is the best way to lay amicable foundations for your more concerted efforts in the days and weeks to come as you try to prise a response out of your carefully selected target hack .
14 But there is more to be said about Lawrence ; much more than was usually said in the days when he was celebrated as a prophet of straight liberation , and more than is oft en said when he is castigated from the vantage point of contemporary sexual politics .
15 Mostly they were second-rate copies of the kind of American bar-room R&B bands the members of these pub bands had seen in the days when they had a bit more going for them and had actually made it to the States one time in the late sixties or early seventies .
16 In the days that follow we learn about this smell , which varies from ugh ! and a turn of the head to really gut-wrenching .
17 As for the women , the government seems not to regard them as human beings at all , unless as in the days of the British Empire the fact that they are women can be used to deny them basic rights or torture them in special ways .
18 He did n't mind what Jack knew about him , within reason , that is , although he had ceased to confide in him as absolutely as he had in the days when they passed through Kingsmarkham Primary School together .
19 It made her look like a boy , or how boys used to look in the days when men had some self-respect and went to the barber 's .
20 Can you begin to adjust your life-style to the new time zone in the days immediately before departure ?
21 Above : Pepsi and Shirlie four years ago , in the days of the puffball and the ‘ girlie-girlie ’ image .
22 In the days that followed , the Tysons found that they and 18,000 other investors had been the victims of a financial crash of global proportions .
23 In the days when Romanians were still in a mood to tell jokes , they used to ask a rhetorical question : how long would it take for a Soviet expeditionary force to reach Bucharest from the Soviet border ?
24 Perhaps it was better in the days when the stars were ripped off , fucked about , had no grip on their affairs .
25 Warm salads became very fashionable in the days of nouvelle cuisine .
26 In the days when tuna were caught by the pole and line method , the dolphins were rarely involved or injured , but when the US introduced the purse seine fishing technique in the late 1950s , the slaughter of dolphins began on an unprecedented scale .
27 IN THE days that followed the stockmarket crash of October 1987 , investors dusted off their economic histories and recalled that the Wall Street crash of October 1929 had marked the beginning of a ten-year , worldwide depression .
28 In the days of Chairman Mao , author of the disastrous Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution , the party could belittle such dangers .
29 In the days when the communists dominated the rubber-stamp Volkskammer , the Christian Democrats were their loyal vassals .
30 He will be giving a demonstration of this art in the days running up to June 3rd , by when George Bush must decide whether to renew China 's trading privileges , known as most-favoured-nation status .
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