Example sentences of "[am/are] [not/n't] [adv] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Time and size are not normally functions of performance !
2 Candidate requirements such as particular skills or personality are not normally part of a job description .
3 It is worth emphasising that the technical and vocational aims and objectives are not simply by-products of history teaching and study but are an essential part of the historical method .
4 Their different make-up or values are not simply variations of the ‘ normal ’ .
5 The differences are not simply ones of climate and agricultural potential , but also of land tenure patterns , with a very specialized form of tenure called crofting ( 2 ) predominating in the north and west .
6 However , life stories are not simply recollections of past events as they occurred .
7 Building Society deposits , for example , are not yet money on official definitions .
8 We pray that each member of the church in our land may know the love of God the Father , the strength of God the Holy Spirit and the friendship of God the Son , and be willing to share their faith with those who are not yet followers of our Saviour .
9 They not only have no obligation to take charge of the moral or spiritual education of their pupils , they have no obligation to help them to develop in aspects of life , such as drama or music , that are not strictly part of their own subject of expertise .
10 Although these social situations are not strictly part of the scheduled group interview , candidates should always be aware that any awkwardness or irregularity in their behaviour will be noted .
11 These areas are not strictly part of the town , though they were clearly important to its lifestyle and economy .
12 These are not strictly part of our ‘ urban ’ concerns , but they do show how Harré 's and Goffman 's ideas , as well as Giddens 's concept of ‘ locale ’ are not limited to a particular scale .
13 They are not even people with political errors .
14 The discussion so far has focused on the sociolinguistics of dialect-divergence and the methods that can be used in order to establish in-group norms of language use that are not previously part of the knowledge of the investigator .
15 Similarly , we might consider whether educational qualifications or length of service are not also components of pay scales in Western companies .
16 But questions of this sort are not just matters of zoological taxonomy , they are also the necessary central problem for all religious systems and this is what brings them within the scope of social anthropology .
17 We must demonstrate that poverty , unemployment , low pay and low skills are not just barriers to individual opportunity , but that they undermine the capacity for wealth creation .
18 An accompanying information pack stresses : ‘ Service Delivery Standards are not just documents of good intentions which can be safely disregarded or cynically ignored .
19 National Trust gardens , then , are not just oases of beauty and tranquillity or examples of horticultural skills and imaginative design ; they are living libraries where , armed with a good reference book and a sense of adventure , one can roam through the world at large .
20 Again there was wide consultation both within the Church and outside it , for Archbishops and Bishops are not just figures of local importance but have a national importance as well as leaders of the Church of the English People .
21 Examples like this could be multiplied indefinitely , and they are not just reflections of a sexist reality .
22 We too , like the apostles have our part to play in the building of the kingdom because we are not just members of the Church the apostles founded , we are the Church .
23 We are now beginning to realise that we are not just part of nature , we are inextricably related to nature .
24 Brands are not just part of our Company , they are our Company , and brand building is our business .
25 Cars demonstrate whether the child understands their symbolic use and they are not just things with wheels that can be spun .
26 They contain complex organic molecules ; but they are not just bundles of organic molecules .
27 In this view , teachers , like other people , are not just bundles of skill , competence and technique ; they are creators of meaning , interpreters of the world and all it asks of them .
28 All of us in the European socialist movement in the European trades union movement insists that employees are not just units of production , but are entitled to rights at work across the European community .
29 The most important expectations surrounding social roles are not just statements about what actually happens — about what a person will do , out of habit and so on — but are norms outlining things which a person occupying his or her status is obliged to do .
30 Quantum objects do not act as carriers of classical quantities such as position and momentum ( their wavefunctions are not usually eigenstates of these observables ) but they do carry the potentiality for such quantities ( their wavefunctions are always superpositions of such eigenstates ) .
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