Example sentences of "[am/are] [being] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Conference , young people especially need to be informed , as free samples are being given out in schools and colleges , and often the family of these young girls are unaware that their daughters are using these products even doctors and hospital staff fail to ask the question when these cases are admitted , are you using tampons ?
2 ‘ Words like ‘ national security ’ and ‘ Official Secrets Act ’ are being bandied around in my hearing and I do n't like them very much .
3 Where possible , the more significant ‘ non-Leicestershire ’ cases are being followed up in the relevant local newspapers , and national events are being followed up in The Times .
4 Where possible , the more significant ‘ non-Leicestershire ’ cases are being followed up in the relevant local newspapers , and national events are being followed up in The Times .
5 In other words , not only do we not have in front of us an exact cost for the works that are being voted through in this Bill — we have to go on the basis of an outdated figure of £1.4 billion , which is in itself an enormous amount — but the Government are saying that they do not have the foggiest idea whether the amount involved will accord with their investment criteria .
6 Similar agreements are being worked on in California to protect the habitat of the California gnatcatcher .
7 They went on to suggest that where complex insider activities are being carried out in a sub-language designed to exclude the uninformed , the best ethnography would probably be carried out by the insider/ethnographer .
8 Dehorning programmes are being carried out in parts of Africa to reduce the poaching .
9 Open exhibition spaces will have to be air- conditioned and a number of experiments on how to achieve this are being carried out in the Bioclimatic Rotonda , located at the Expo office compound .
10 Most of the 38 protocols approved for genetic therapy are being carried out in the United States on patients with cancer .
11 To collect the data , surveys are being carried out in selected superstores and interviews are being undertaken with employees , managers , retail executives , union officers and job centres .
12 A series of case studies are being carried out in companies chosen for their different markets , technologies , size and approach to harmonisation .
13 He is backed by Adrian Sinfield , professor of social policy at Edinburgh University , whose concern is that attacks on the welfare state are being carried out in a climate of increasing economic inequality and worsening poverty .
14 Autonomous work groups are being set up in companies .
15 Using magnetotelluric survey data supplied by the Brazilian National Oil Company ( PETROBRAS ) , new data-processing and modelling schemes are being set up in a bid to improve the resolution of mapping of the geoelectric horizons of the shale sequences at depths of 2 to 3 kilometres .
16 Local support groups are being set up in different areas in London and they have good leaflets on various HIV related topics for women .
17 In addition , other study groups are being set up in three other subject areas , namely agriculture , architecture and teacher training .
18 Two new branches are being set up in the province — Londonderry and Armagh/ Tyrone .
19 The Briefing Paper makes the point that more resources have been taken out of the area in the last decade than are being put back in now .
20 Many various-sized painted plaster images are on sale and quite a number with large pieces broken off are being brought back in torn imitation plastic leather bags , only to have it explained that the purchasers probably have not been confessing enough and absolution is only granted by their completing a 13-page questionnaire through which they get a special adhesive that breaks all mends .
21 SHOCK plans to close Seacombe Ferry terminal recently-revamped by Mersey Ferries are being drawn up in secret by transport chiefs .
22 This is consistent with the view that the currency is undervalued : Hong Kong 's goods and services , unnaturally cheap in dollar terms , are being pulled up in price toward international levels .
23 ‘ I do n't like the fact that I am being pushed out in the cold .
24 I am being set up in the ward and it occurs to me that I am feeling fine .
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